To be carried to Yerushaliem on the path to Kether is to ride upon the colt, which will take you to Yerushalem, yes, but there will be things yet to overturn in the temple, things to be cast out, things to be endured, things to suffer, a death to face, and a resurrection yet to come: all this in the footsteps of Y'shua. We are allowed to follow, with Kether as the goal, but we are also invited to take our seats in Mashiyach Yahushua, entering the rest found at Thyatira, where we are freed of the burden of our souls, hearing "this is the way you should go: walk in it:" doing those things that are given into our hands, and speaking those things we receive in the moments those words can be efficacious. "Be still," says Elohenu, "and know that I am . . ." b.
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