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impulse, intent; inception, beginning, start; foremost, primary, principal, main Lord, Master, Creator; father, chief, head, leader; principality; angel; incarnation; self, ego, id; individual, person; humanity seed grain; principle, concept, idea; to plant, sow; germination; semen; coitus; conception, pregnancy incentive; capability, capacity; to launch; futurity; renewal, restart outward projection to emanate; to expand, increase, sprout, protrude; hyper-extended, bloated ox; power, kinetic energy, force; horns; vigor, virility, fecundity; physical vitality, ability; to be stout; to plow, dig, cultivate; growth, reproduction to imply, implicate; to intrude, attack; to vent, explode, erupt; to scatter, flee, evade; disorder, unruliness, mayhem, panic determined, emphatic; thousand, thousand-fold; exponential; champion; familiar, friend, confidante, companion friction to squeeze, pressure; to spark, impose; to impair, forestall; to limit, reduce, cut off, amputate, sever, harvest to intervene, interfere, subvert, trick; deception, subterfuge; anger, belligerence, hostility, incitement; denigration; to grudge, belittle, demean, punish; injury to transect, intersect, interfere; to interrupt, cut short, curtail; to wrap, bind, tie, jail; to enslave; to inter, bury contraction one, unitary; atom, monad; unique, solitary small, insignificant, miniscule; to diminish, lessen, narrow; sharpened insufficiency, inadequacy; to hide, disappear; condensation, evaporation; cursory, superficial, frivolous events, incidents, occurrences; moments; bound, restricted, compacted, consolidated, bundled to focus side view of the eye; sight; to examine, identify; to see, perceive; to squint, doubt, question, ponder, peep augury, divination, sorcery; to infer, deduce, surmise; supposition, postulation, expectation, theory; principle central point; area, locale; concentration; intensity; mania, passion specificity; to fix upon, indicate; to isolate, corner, box in; to underline triangulation, accuracy; to settle, decide introspection the priesthood; to school, train; to study, learn; self-awareness; to meditate; imagination, inspiration pride, self-centeredness; angst, discomfort, torment humility, meekness, contrition |
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creation; to formulate, invent, mold, shape, fashion; to imagine; to show, manifest; to organize, adapt, reform fabrication to build, construct, make, remake, establish; to implement, utilize to bend, distort, conform; to withdraw, fold, tuck; to dig, shovel, scoop, carve, sculpt house, home, dwelling, building; habitat, habitation; institution image, idol, idolatry; superficiality; exterior to house to lodge; household, family, child, kin, tribe, peer group body, temple; soul as house of the spirit; ark; fetus; flesh, form, shell; receptacle, repository to include to agree; to conform; to accept, claim; to assume; to cherish, keep, coddle; to store, retain; supplies; to prefer, further; partisan, parochial; to shield the adverbs when, while, as, because to hear earlobe; to listen, pay attention, heed; receptivity; attentiveness; introspection; to notice; consciousness, awareness to respond, answer, echo to embrace to pair, match; to engage; to adopt, acclimate; to take in, hoard intentional; to prefer; to invite; to domesticate, tame; interiorization, introspection; congruence; personal; to anchor the prepositions in, at, on, among, within, into, with, by, of, through to recoil to reject, withdraw; to spiral, fall away, backslide; to be demure, coy passivity, inertia; segmentation to hide, conceal; to be uncovered, exposed, naked |
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movement, locomotion; to travel, proceed, progress; vehicle, chariot; agent, means, medium; to facilitate, foster, enable; transactions; procedures camel, horse, donkey, ass; to carry, transport, transmit; to convey, imply, intimate to approach, reach, go beyond, transcend, surpass; to continue, further; to boost; excess; fast, quick, precipitous, lively angle joints: elbow, knee, ankle, wrist, fingers to crease, bend, crimp; crevice, gully, ditch; to turn, deflect; to tangle, entangle, twist; to equivocate to walk, step, kick, skip, jog; to trip, stumble, dive; variance; to hurl, throw, toss; to fumble, drop, deposit hoe stick; to weed, cull, fell, eliminate, kill; to aerate, lift, elevate; to suspend, hang to undermine, subvert, alter; to strip, expose, lay bare; to undress, disrobe; process, procedure; leverage, influence; to affect hill incline, rise; hump, mountain steps, stairway; to mount; to climb, arise, ascend; to surface; tendency, inclination neck throat, esophagus, gullet; vocalization; to ingest, swallow, gulp, drink to nod, acknowledge, confirm, verify canal conduit, avenue, path; bowels; the birth canal/process; the umbilical nervous system: nerves, synapses urges, appetites, motivations; optimism, elation; to overflow, flood; excess recompense to repay, render; remuneration; to restore, rectify, purify disagreement, altercation; animosity, bitterness; vengeance; to repress; anxiety; to depress, exasperate, vex m |
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door, entrance, exit; passageway, gateway, bridge; portal, threshold; tunnel, hallway access; opening, opportunity; to appear, materialize obstacle blockage, impediment; foreskin, covering; to forestall peak, summit, pinnacle; apex, precipice wedge partition, wall; division, separation; middle; amidst, between, among to sit, take position; yoga, meditation, contemplation perception to look, see, observe; to notice, pay attention, monitor, spy insight, impression, cognition; to consider, delve, investigate secret chamber heart, altar; nostril; vagina; anus tent; refuge, hiding place, den, lair; to occupy, dwell, lodge; coffin, grave; burial vault, pyramid; security, solidity arrowhead penetration; to stab, pierce; pointed, prickly; briars, thorns; discomfort, pain, grief, suffering, hurt to point out, name, specify; to decide, choose, select; to indicate, implicate to shine candlelight, flame, beam, corona, aura pervasive; emotion, sentiment; excitement, thrill; fervor, love |
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to separate; winnowing fan; to disregard, ignore; to differentiate, distinguish, discern, discriminate to spread, proliferate; to distribute, disperse; to sow, broadcast; dissemination; to intersperse, intermingle, mix to gather, select, choose; to collect, amass, retain, record visibility light, illumination, incandescence; sunlight, moonlight, starlight; rays, radiation, heat discovery, realization; enlightenment; vision, revelation animation life; aura, pheromones; attraction, lust, concupiscence; affiliations, reactions; to inflame, anger; rage; to shun, ignore, avoid; to resist, defy to examine; to seek, hunt, search, explore; to rummage; to cull, shed, discard, discount; to dismiss, discredit the pronouns she, her to amplify to blaze, sparkle; to identify; to show, highlight, emphasize; to indicate; notoriety; to value; the (definite article) instantaneous, quick, immediate, sudden, fast; to fan, exacerbate; to shame, embarrass healing, purifying; beneficial, therapeutic, remedial digits fingers, toes, claws, wings; integers, factors to comb, groom; to pluck, pick, choose; to point out, indicate wind breeze; to blow, cool, refresh; to ease, mollify; relief; weather: precipitation, rain, showers, hail, snow, fog vapor, steam, evaporation; to leak, drip; to dissolve, diffuse, burst; deflation sorrow, loss, regret; lamentation, weeping; catharsis to catch to capture, isolate; commerce, captivity rows, ranks, columns, groupings; options, choices |
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scales; to weigh, consider, evaluate, judge; to dispute, argue, deliberate, debate; to aver, champion, endorse to adjudicate, negotiate, administer; to adjust, rectify, settle; reconciliation; to be right, correct, just; justice, fairness to struggle, contend, wrestle; difficulty, resistance, opposition; to yield, consent, accede; to defer; to abandon; to surrender to mediate, ameliorate, compromise; compensate; equilibrium, rest; calm, peace, equanimity, quietude to yearn to worship, cherish, adore, praise; reverence; supplication urges; longing, aspiration, desire; compassion; gratitude; mercy; emotional vitality zeal; to soar, glide, hover, fly; upwards; to offer, sacrifice, submit; capitulation nose to smell, scent, sniff out; to investigate; to test, attempt, try; flexibility; to stretch, yawn; to plead, reach out, invoke clavicle, shoulders; thumb, big toe; turtle hook nail, pin, fastener; crutch; to adhere, clasp; girdle; to restrain, discourage, caution; consolidation; permanence to wait; to be suspended; limbo, stasis, inertia; normality; the status quo; to thwart, harass, annoy; to pause, rest, desist, stop cradle to uphold, coddle, comfort; chair, seat, throne; chalice, cup to own, claim, experience; to widen, stretch, broaden, proliferate; to pivot, rotate; contraction; to intensify, emphasize abdomen, navel; pelvis; socket; fulcrum; womb; maternity yoke unity; to join, bond, wed, marry, unify alignment; link, nexus, intersection; to meet, encounter, confront; to engage; to be attached, harnessed; reins; shackles cooperation; to merge, converge; amalgamation the conjunctions and, or, but, also; the adverbs therefore, then funnel to fill, inject; libation; to fuel, reinforce, strengthen; esophagus, lungs tornado, cyclone, deluge; cornucopia; to be bountiful; to empty, drain; to collapse vessel, host; breasts, teat; milk; nursing, nourishing, sustaining; outpouring the pronouns he, him |
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drive, impetus, determination, obligation; root, masculinity to oppress; opposition; to stifle; domination, suppression, tyranny barrier; to dodge, avoid; to split, sever, diverge, separate thrust lightning; penetration, suffusion; influence, momentum; to strike, push, smite; a punch, blow; to knock opposition; to wound, plague, bother, aggravate, afflict; to impinge dependence; harmful, abusive, damaging; pejorative to leak, drip, dribble; expenditure; to vacate storm; surge, current, undertow to lag, linger, lurk, stall war armament, weapons: sword, knife, dart, javelin, arrow, spear, whip, club, bludgeon; scythe, sickle antagonism, acrimony; warrior, soldier, officer; foe, adversary, nemesis; trouble to arm, prepare, ready; to intervene; to invade, bully, infringe upon; victim pen to write, mark, etch; to engrave, anneal; to decorate, paint, cover over, coat potter's wheel; instruments, tools, devices, inventions carvings, statues, pottery, paintings, murals correspondence, letter, epistle; words, statements, laws, statutes, ordinances to write, author: to plan, plot, connive flight to fly, escape, flee; refugee; bird; feather, pinion zeal, exuberance, exhilaration, enthusiasm, excitement; mania to hang, dangle, flop; to stand out, excel objective intent, motive; import; expectation, ambition goal, aim, end, agenda; outcome, result, eventuality to complete, finish, conclude; consummation; termination; closure abandonment; separation, desertion, schism to subside; to submerge, inter; underground perfection deliverance; covering, salvation; overcoming to impose order, organization; regeneration, healing; shabbat, rest |
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agreement, consensus; accord; commitment; affinity, mutuality, empathy, harmony to correspond; equality; equanimity; reciprocation to honor, appreciate, celebrate; gladness, joy, elation, enthusiasm; hope, aspiration alliance; accessory; competition, strife, discord; to plot, conspire, betray duty work, labor, effort, service; vocation, assignment, job to trade, exchange; to buy, purchase, amass relationships; friendship, brotherhood; betrothal, engagement; to marry, wed torso chest; vesture, mantle, apron; coat, cloak, robe, clothing stretched, lengthened, elongated, broadened; scope, range, mass, extent hips, limbs; to stand, stretch loom weaving; warp, woof; fabric, cloth, net scroll, book; context, situation mutuality; to match, correspond; to extend; liaisons; interrelated to aid to abet; care, help, assistance, succor to empathize, share, cooperate, coordinate; to exchange ladder means to reach new plateaus; to ascend; to climb, elevate, mount to reconsider, repent, reform, change; to enhance, improve, better to descend; to collapse; to weaken, deteriorate; to denigrate window borders; framework, fence, obstruction, obstacle perspective, outlook; to sight, glimpse, imagine distanced; vague, approximate, arbitrary, capricious depression, fatigue, anxiety, fear, angst |
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conflict resolution; harmonization of disparate forces; to solve, come together, coalesce, reach accord inclusiveness, reinforcement, verification; to strengthen, fortify, fill; to possess to integrate; to adhere; amalgamation; order; union, mating; fertilization differentiation the four worlds (earth, air, water, fire); four levels of interpretation (pshat, remez, drush, sod) Ezekiel's living creatures; the four beasts surrounding the throne the unified elements of incarnation (spirit, angel, soul, body); the four camps of Yisrael angels, cherubim, seraphim, messenger basket repository; vase, bowl, basin dwelling area; city, community, town to be hidden, concealed, obscured, occluded, bound, covered, contained consumption; to gather, collect, assemble; network Earth; globe, planet; solar system, universe; cube, sphere confinement cave, lair; stall, pen, prison; shelter, refuge captivity, restraint, confinement; solids; caged, jailed, imprisoned, garrisoned to control, keep, oppress; abuse, torment, persecution stasis, inertia; to be sated, satisfied to target to specify, locate, point out, indicate, highlight; specificity; to map, delineate to confront; to encompass, surround; to limit, inhibit, obstruct, block, defeat, nullify to interpose; to circumvent; to navigate; compass victim, sacrifice, offering operational stages sequences, patterns, arrangements; segmentation to break apart, wreck, devastate; dissolution; to differ, alienate; divisiveness, contradiction; to reject to define, label, name, identify, characterize to persevere, endure; alliance, to adhere, hold together; cohesion; to absorb to adjust, rearrange, alter, tweak; to twirl, spin, revolve security buckler; to shield, protect, safeguard, hide; safety truth, trust; obedience; co-dependence; interchange |
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means of attainment; wrist and cupped fingers; giving, receiving, sharing to obtain, acquire, accumulate, amass; to count, number, approximate to catch, grab, pick, take; to touch, feel; to reach, fondle; to beckon, invite; to bring blessings ability; stamina, duration; satisfaction; expedience possession, ownership; acquisitions, fortune, wealth; benefactor the adjectives my, mine, my own to incite to entice, tempt, excite; to offer, invite, inspire; to motivate, shove, rush, hurry to instill, insinuate; to nudge, stimulate, kindle, enable, implement; appreciation, applause actions activity; to act, perform, do, achieve; to arrive, depart to engage, experience; to tease, titillate; to irritate, debilitate to provide, supply, furnish; to apply, exert, exercise to present, introduce; to demonstrate, expose, identify, betray assertion, imposition; to pay, repay, restore; to redress, adjust to kneel, pay homage; to honor, respect, salute, serve obeisance, submission; to be humbled; to succumb, suffer responsibility; necessity; to require, need, want to plant; to enact, execute, utilize; behavior, intent to appropriate to retain, profit, benefit; to hold, clasp; to confiscate, hoard; usury to steal, rob, take, deplenish, reduce, eliminate, empty; thief, robber to release to impart; to allow, give up, let go, part with; to avert, avoid, brush aside liberation; to drop, forsake; to dismiss, abandon, discard; to betray to write to inscribe; inscription; to note, record to design, engineer; author, source; scribe |
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to simplify, restructure; to clarify, explicate; to expedite to complicate, obfuscate; difficulties, problems; anticipation, expectation, hope to stumble, trip, cartwheel, fall; to pivot, turn; regret to sabotage, overthrow, defeat, upend, expunge; disorder extension antlers, extremities; utensils: spoon, fork; handle; to be useful multiplication, largesse; tribe, family, offspring the pronouns you, your repetition, proliferation, reiteration, permutation; divergence, diversity; outward prefix of comparison: like, as, accordingly to expose to make evident, uncover, acknowledge; to brandish, brag, boast to be visible, obvious, apparent, conspicuous; evidence, tracks, signs bush tree, branch, leaves; tree of the knowledge of good and evil trident, pitchfork; broad path, crooked way vine; productivity, fruitfulness; harvesting, reaping bent palm of hand, sole of foot; cheek curved, concave; convex, hollow; perverse, twisted, demented; inverted claw; bird, rooster; flight; to maul, rend, tear asunder cliff, crag; rocks, boulders teachings lessons, doctrines, coverings persuasion, coercion; to proselytize, convert celebration to applaud, rejoice upheaval, tumult, chaos, riot; unrestm |
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to redirect, deflect, evade, alter to reconsider, redistribute; to repent; to prevent the prepositions to, towards, unto, into, during, for, about, according to, at, by, of, with, in, within, as, belonging to the adjectives each, every to provoke to test; to encourage; to promote, aver, champion, favor to compel, force, enforce; to challenge, obstruct, interfere to accuse, indict; malice serpent; physical drives; compulsions to restrain to defend; to cease, stop, deny, forebear; to refrain, withhold; to recall, summons to discourage, inhibit, prevent, deny, oppose; to revoke, limit, forbid appendage arm; wrist and hand; leg and foot; finger, fist tongue; nose; bone; penis to instruct to point, indicate, imply; to order, command, insist teacher, instructor; lesson; to be schooled, taught to argue, debate; to prove, disprove elder beard; maturity; ancient, wise; confident role, function; influence; authority shepherd staff; to prod, goad; to herd, wrangle to guide, steer, protect, oversee; to set course, direction rod; to chastise, correct, punish, afflict, damage, hurt; control |
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to free, prepare; to rescue, release, liberate; to circumvent; libertine to undo; to unlock, unleash, move relaxed, unrestricted, unfettered, unbound, undefined; nebulous, haphazard unspecific, uncategorical; continuous, on-going, unabated impetuous, spontaneous; to drift, wander; disorderly, superficial wilderness; extent, scope, length, width; derivation the prepositions from, since, of; the adverb more than disturbance discomfort; to befuddle, confuse; to forget; disorientation, uncertainty; duress to trouble, accuse; to demean; to uproot, destabilize; to ambush noise, clamor; rumble, roar; uproar; to be wild, reckless; frivolity, indulgence uninhibited, undisciplined, unruly, rude; undue, unwarranted; unqualified cessation to exit; to run, flee, depart; to be lost, disoriented to loosen, divorce; to eliminate, dismiss; to quit, cease, stop to draw out, empty; debt; to owe, lose; to disburse, pay, remunerate fluids water; tides, waves, currents, ripples; to pour, fill, irrigate; deluge, flood to bathe, wash, soak; to cool, soothe, relieve to flow; to be swift, soft, supple; cleansing, refreshing, easing; ameliorative semen, issue; oil; wine, libation; tears venom; poison; spit, mucous; pus, bile, vomit to mirror to reflect, ape, mimic; memory; to return, answer, respond; accordingly to allude, invoke, suggest; to petition message, counsel, advice; information; allegory, parable; wisdom's attributes people others; peer groups, members, participants; multitudes; nations; multiplication to be chosen, destined, anointed; favoritism, preference, privilege lustfulness; harlotry, whoredom the thigh the loins, bowels to crawl, creep, scurry; scorpion; snake; to coil |
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potential, possibility, prospects, promise; plausibility surprising, unexpected; optional, arbitrary; nuanced, multifaceted, multidirectional instability; to rock, sway; vacillation, caution; to waver; undependable, unreliable; flippant scope, weight, extent to tuck, tumble, jump; catapult, sling reversal to restrict, limit, confound; to negate, neutralize, undo; to backtrack, backslide; denial to decline, subside; loss, impoverishment; discomfort, prostration, devastation failure, defeat; to fold; to inhibit; to undermine, topple; to stone exhaustion to fall, collapse; to sit, recline; to yawn, sleep, snore to deplete; to degenerate; indulgence; to withdraw; to suck, filter, leach to suffer, endure, perservere supplementation augmentation; to take in, recognize; to gain, exchange determination; to investigate, assess; to try, attempt to vow, swear; interior application/action the Sons of Man symbol: an enlightened man, woman, person to sprout to spread, proliferate, extend, project; proclivity to result, happen, unfold; eventuality; to actualize; operative suggestive; sudden, unexpected, unforeseen ritual; purpose; method, routine; device; configuration to glisten spectacular; vigorous; to shine, flourish; fecundity, fertility; desire, need to discover, display, reveal, demonstrate, enact prominence, endurance; jubilee fish to swim; to slither, sneak; scaled species; lizard, frog to nibble, gnaw, annoy, nag, discomfit |
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tower, refuge, shelter; fortification united branches; the three crosses; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (mother and two daughters) burning bush (the process of salvation); plants, herbs, flowers, weeds the complete physical organism; spine, ribs, skeleton dependability to be competent, responsible, consistent, constructive, determined; reliance, trust empowerment; to enforce, demand, insist, require to warn, prepare, protect; sage, watcher, seer, prophet to uphold pillar, post; to support, bear; to strengthen, structure, organize to authorize, encourage, sustain to be steadfast; stability, security; constraint; secrecy; shelter, hiding place alert to bristle, emote; to shock, frighten; to worry, vex, harass, trap; distressed, irritated to permeate, spread, broadcast, proliferate; to dissipate; distended; exhaustion hair; comb, brush; to groom, curry fiber skin, integuments; fabric; layered, woven framework; multi-dimensional; frayed, ragged, stretched partitioned walls, corridors; fence, corral; constructions, arrangements segmented; to overreach; overextended, excessive to invade, infect concentric seasons, cycles, days, months, years progressions; multiplicity, repetition; to harp uponm |
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understanding, realization; compassion; ardor, warmth; eagerness to consider, reflect upon, ponder, think sight eye, iris, pupil, cornea, lens to look, see, stare; to view, study, detect overview; penetrating vision; prophecy to be clear, precise; to clarify; keen, transparent, obvious, certain light source sun, moon, stars; to glow, gleam; illuminated; brightness, iridescence jewels, treasures, precious metals receptivity to be attentive, concerned, worried, anxious, expectant frontier, promised land; boundaries, limitations; body openings; body organs to circumscribe to circumcise; to circle, surround; to overcome, supersede, surpass comprehensive, global; satisfactory, fulfilled, successful composure, wholeness; adequacy, sufficiency; accommodation; perseverance bud; loop, circuit, lap transference to inform; to advise, coach, tutor to overwhelm; to lay siege; hostility, jealousy, shame; rage; arrogance, boastfulness well cistern; bodies of water: lakes, oceans, springs, fountains, pools to enlarge; sated, saturated, full; inflation pit, crater, hole, cavity; depth; abyss empty, blank, vacant, absent; expressionless; superficial zero, none, no, nil, null |
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aspiration; to inhale, exhale; to blow, puff, sneeze soul as expression of spirit communication voice, speech, language; tongues elocution: to speak, address, announce, advertise; to offer, promise to nag, harp, berate, mock, belittle, scorn, denigrate to accuse, allege; to curse, imprecate; to challenge, scream, yell, insist expression saying, utterance; mantra; pronouncement, order, commandment verbalization, locution; argument, address, sermon, homily to chant, sing; poetry, psalms face physiognomy, visage, appearance; persona, personality, character; manner, style jaw, mouth, lip; maw, gullet, craw to eat, partake, devour; to consume; to dine, feed; a feast, meal to open to acknowledge; to appear, manifest, materialize; to reveal, unmask, ravish, violate to pivot; to permit, allow; to disperse, disseminate, distribute, spread to dodge, escape, evade, avoid; to rupture, herniate; wound, incision to shut to close, restrict, limit, disallow; to dictate; to marginalize to delay, drag, postpone; to divert, deny, refuse; to prohibit edge, side; lateral, exterior; border, region; corner, ceiling, roof extremity, end; lock of hair, fringes, sideburns container cup, scoop, bowl; cave, cavern, chasm; saddle; ridge line stomach; fruit; nutshell, rind, peel the adverbs here; hence, therefore |
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repentance; sacrifice; adjudication, rectification metamorphosis, transfiguration; accomplishment, enactment; success righteousness innocent, just, upright; perfect; accurate, right, true; honorable, saintly respect, reverence, fear, piety the remnant to dance to leap, jump, turn, rotate, spin, revolve, skip; fishhook to triumph, overcome; delight; victory side the lifted leg; imbalance; lateral, adjacent; to expose, allude, invoke to walk, run, march, issue forth to diverge, evade; suppression; to challenge, oppose, defy to hunt to chase, pursue, follow; to engage; to flee; flight, escape to attempt, try, experiment hosts sects, orders; governments, organizations; officialdom; to salute insects, swarms; armies; military battle; to attack, be aggressive; to devastate, conquer to discourage to ward off, deflect; to defend, exorcise, eradicate; to acquit; to be afraid to subvert, sabotage; to topple, overturn; to discomfit; to wander, stray |
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sanctification, purification; spiritual separation, dedication to be careful, discrete; reticence, circumspection to be distinguished, chosen, sanctified priest's cap, crown; brain stem heaven firmament; sky; corona, dome, vault spiritual rains, storms, downpours; deluge to blossom, flower, ascend kingdom domain, realm; protection, covering to guard, safeguard, protect; to oversee, regulate to designate to confer, confirm; to appoint, ordain; to nominate to be invested, dedicated; a specialist; skilled bow and arrow to pierce, alight upon; to push, propel; vibration boat, oar; ark; to siphon, drain, empty; urination; drill; harp coitus carnal knowledge; intercourse, impregnation glans, clitoris; climax, ejaculation shadow darkness; shade tree; smoke; sanctimony to mask, hide, occlude, darken, dim, veil back of head; monkey, ape (faceless man); skull |
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king, ruler, leader; overseer; messiah, seer, visionary; person instigator; opponent, adversary, enemy to shoulder; to commandeer; determination, domination governance competence, responsibility; to be decisive, assertive to adjure, urge, persuade; to manage, control, rule, command, insist to disallow, forbid; to exorcise blade axe, shovel; to chop, chisel; to cleave, sever, remove, stop tyranny; to threaten, intimidate, bully; to damage, desiccate fountainhead topmost, main, primary; predominant, chief component; source, start to happen, occur, transpire; tributary; to reward mountain peak, pinnacle, crest, height, summit; rooftop to be large, weighty, self-important; dignitary to rise, fall, climb, descend the head mind; thought, knowledge, intelligence to watch, regard; to signal, inform; lofty, proud, aloof honor nobility, eminence; discretion, beauty; devotion; to praise, esteem to be graceful; elegance; to sail |
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Spirit, spirits; glory; solar; fire, worm; angel, cherubim, seraphim dream, vision, portent strength to wrestle, struggle, fight, contend musculature; might, prowess; to be forceful, compelling, convincing tooth tusk; ivory; to bite, tear, rend to gnaw, to ingest, consume, assimilate, absorb; a meal paw; to savage, maul, shatter, destroy, decimate to saw, separate, excise, sever utilization to applicade; to sew, mend; amelioration; to knead; to afflict, suppress to widen; to excite, invigorate, energize; invasive exploration buoyancy; to float; to loft, raise; to be lifted up, carried correlation of above and below tribulation agitation; to shake, tickle; torment; to be upset, bothered, disturbed; to tremble to loathe, hate, despise; to undermine; to conspire, connive to vent tantrum, breakdown buttocks; evacuation; elimination to wobble variation, vibration weakness, frailty, vulnerability; illness sleep, snoring; death; repetition, monotony to juggle, jiggle, wiggle, wobble; to take wing |
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to end, finish; to cancel; to obliterate, alter, change to disappear, vanish, fade, dwindle; to oppose, resist, forbid renewal regeneration, resurrection, continuation; wholeness reiteration; subsequent, additional eternal endurance; forever, perpetuality; persistence square; four corners, four directions mark signature, characteristic, feature; sign, emblem cross, weather vane; to partition, fence; to pass sentence to intersect nexus; synapse; link, tendon to corner, locate; stalemate, loggerheads to expose to unmask; to encounter, meet, confront to curse, hex; to enchant, cast spells; prediction, speculation continuum proliferation; open-ended, on-going to measure, assess, investigate, monitor to complete; infinity, sum, totalitym |