Significations of the Letters

The letters of the alefbet are the nexus between the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. To the degree we perceive language to be primarily denotative and rooted in the tangible things of this world, we partake of the lesser tree. To the degree we perceive the connotative and transforming dimensions of language by its use of allusion to the principles underlying Creation, we are partaking of the higher tree that leads to life eternal.

Notaricon is the art of reading Hebrew word forms not as sound cues pointing to specific meanings, but as graphic statements of interacting principles. Letters are read as words and phrases. To the degree traditional sound meanings are supported by notaricon, those meanings are valid. To the degree those etymological meanings are unsupported by notaricon, they must be acknowledged to be inventions of man. For comparison of what is offered here with traditional views of the Hebrew alefbet, Rabbi Ginsburgh's presentation at The Inner-Dimension website is recommended.

Like the Torah they comprise, the Original Hebrew letters are written within and without-- that is, they have their interior and their exterior significations, as well as their positive and negative aspects. The lines that comprise the letters and the blank spaces within and around the letters both have lessons for us.

The basic meanings listed below are used in this site's Paleo-Hebrew Hypertext Dictionary. The list is by no means definitive; for meanings of letters involve much more than their shapes and number values, as each letter enjoys various positionings within the Crown Diamond and Adam Kadmon, both of which have correspondences to the human body and, also, to the greater cosmos-- "wheels within wheels," as it is written. Before we can progress, with order, to the higher notaricon implied by the alefbet's positionings on the Tree of Life, we must first restore foundational understandings of the language in the dimensions of Creation. Such tools as this web page point the way forward.

It will be noted that different letters sometimes share same meanings: often with different connotations, but rarely not. Like the Source of this alefbet and the Crown Diamond grid upon which they dance, the letters are One, though distinguished by many attributes: some salient, and others not. In those instances where meanings are shared by different letters, the number values of the letters differ. Because the number values are also denoted by the alefbet itself, the notaricon of the numbers, as they are parsed, greatly affect the meaning of the words in which similar or identical letter notaricon occur. For example, both Bet b and Nun n share the meaning, "to withdraw." The withdrawal implied by bet implies a somatic reaction to an earthly stimulus, whereas the withdrawal implied by nun suggests an intellectual or spiritual withdrawal from a more ethereal stimulus. Whether such distinctions are clear in every instance of overlapping notaricon, the inherent differences in number values imposed by the letters' mathematical voices greatly impact a word's full definition.

Two sets of numbers accompany each word: the gematria value and the numerological value. The gematria value is determined by the counting system used by the ancients, and the numerological value is determined by a letter's sequential position within the alefbet. In the practices of numerology, every number can be reduced to a cardinal number by adding the sums of its digits, when added together in various combinations, and then reducing those some until no further reduction is possible: 117 reduces to 90, 81, 72, 27, and 18; and each of these numbers reduces to the base value of 9. The same reduction system can also be applied to the gematria number; and in every instance of numerical reduction, the gematria and numerological values of each word reduce to the same cardinal number. When the gematria and numerology values for any word form, along with their reduction factors, are read according to their notaricon, all expressions derived therefrom are commentary on the word's traditional definitions, as determined by its meanings according to the Oral Tradition. The results of numerical commentary on definitions are almost magical, as this nearly secular example demonstrates. The art of interpreting these reduction factors generates a targum.

Working out the definitions of the Paleo-Hebrew word forms is an art-- almost a sport; for the word forms are dynamically oracular, and their meanings will speak to the particular intellectual contexts into which they are received, unto eternity. The approach taken in the Hypertext Dictionary was developed over many years, with significant input from Shmuel ben Aharon-Wahli of Bet HaShem Midrash. Early work on the Online Dictionary is preserved on dictionary pages yet to be updated, and these show the immaturity of beginning efforts. I'm not ashamed of the early growth: it's a marker to be noted and surpassed. However, "Sometimes," as Edward Albee wrote in The Zoo Story, "you have to go a long way out of your way to come back a short distance correctly." Other detours may come at some future time, now that the work of definition has resumed on this website. I'm happy with the beginning of revision. Regardless, I'll continue with what has been placed in my hands; and I urge any of you who care to engage directly with the meanings of biblical Hebrew to remain open to the possibility of further nuance by other means than is outlined here. HaShem is again revealing the pure language and the pure speech; for there is nothing new under the sun. Praise The Name.

Note: This page is updated frequently, due to requirements of the on-going work on the dictionary. An earlier, PDF version of these notaricon tables is available for download. To view the letter meanings online, click on the alefbet links below. Links are keyed to page anchors for corresponding letters of the PaleoBora font; all downloads are free.



It's not what the letters say, of themselves: it's what the Spirit residing within says in response
to the letters;
for the Kingdom of Heaven-- the Kingdom of Names, and the letters of which they are comprised-- is within you.


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Aleph = 1 mm (1,000 as Prefix)

Alef 1st


impulse, intent; inception, beginning, start; foremost, primary, principal, main
Lord, Master, Creator; father, chief, head, leader; principality; angel; incarnation; self, ego, id; individual, person; humanity
grain; principle, concept, idea; to plant, sow; germination; semen; coitus; conception, pregnancy
incentive; capability, capacity; to launch; futurity; renewal, restart
outward projection
to emanate; to expand, increase, sprout, protrude; hyper-extended, bloated
ox; power, kinetic energy, force; horns; vigor, virility, fecundity; physical vitality, ability; to be stout; to plow, dig, cultivate; growth, reproduction
to imply, implicate; to intrude, attack; to vent, explode, erupt; to scatter, flee, evade; disorder, unruliness, mayhem, panic
determined, emphatic; thousand, thousand-fold; exponential; champion; familiar, friend, confidante, companion
to squeeze, pressure; to spark, impose; to impair, forestall; to limit, reduce, cut off, amputate, sever, harvest
to intervene, interfere, subvert, trick; deception, subterfuge; anger, belligerence, hostility, incitement; denigration; to grudge, belittle, demean, punish; injury
to transect, intersect, interfere; to interrupt, cut short, curtail; to wrap, bind, tie, jail; to enslave; to inter, bury
one, unitary; atom, monad; unique, solitary
small, insignificant, miniscule; to diminish, lessen, narrow; sharpened
insufficiency, inadequacy; to hide, disappear; condensation, evaporation; cursory, superficial, frivolous
events, incidents, occurrences; moments; bound, restricted, compacted, consolidated, bundled
to focus
side view of the eye; sight; to examine, identify; to see, perceive; to squint, doubt, question, ponder, peep
augury, divination, sorcery; to infer, deduce, surmise; supposition, postulation, expectation, theory; principle
central point; area, locale; concentration; intensity; mania, passion
specificity; to fix upon, indicate; to isolate, corner, box in; to underline
triangulation, accuracy; to settle, decide
the priesthood; to school, train; to study, learn; self-awareness; to meditate; imagination, inspiration
pride, self-centeredness; angst, discomfort, torment
humility, meekness, contrition


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Beit = 2 m

Bet 2nd


to conceive
creation; to formulate, invent, mold, shape, fashion; to imagine; to show, manifest; to organize, adapt, reform
to build, construct, make, remake, establish; to implement, utilize
to bend, distort, conform; to withdraw, fold, tuck; to dig, shovel, scoop, carve, sculpt
house, home, dwelling, building; habitat, habitation; institution
image, idol, idolatry; superficiality; exterior
to house
to lodge; household, family, child, kin, tribe, peer group
body, temple; soul as house of the spirit; ark; fetus; flesh, form, shell; receptacle, repository
to include
to agree; to conform; to accept, claim; to assume; to cherish, keep, coddle; to store, retain; supplies; to prefer, further; partisan, parochial; to shield
the adverbs when, while, as, because
to hear
earlobe; to listen, pay attention, heed; receptivity; attentiveness; introspection; to notice; consciousness, awareness
to respond, answer, echo
to embrace
to pair, match; to engage; to adopt, acclimate; to take in, hoard
intentional; to prefer; to invite; to domesticate, tame; interiorization, introspection; congruence; personal; to anchor
the prepositions in, at, on, among, within, into, with, by, of, through
to recoil
to reject, withdraw; to spiral, fall away, backslide; to be demure, coy
passivity, inertia; segmentation
to hide, conceal; to be uncovered, exposed, naked


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Gimmel = 3 m

Gimel 3rd


movement, locomotion; to travel, proceed, progress; vehicle, chariot; agent, means, medium; to facilitate, foster, enable; transactions; procedures
camel, horse, donkey, ass; to carry, transport, transmit; to convey, imply, intimate
to approach, reach, go beyond, transcend, surpass; to continue, further; to boost; excess; fast, quick, precipitous, lively
joints: elbow, knee, ankle, wrist, fingers
to crease, bend, crimp; crevice, gully, ditch; to turn, deflect; to tangle, entangle, twist; to equivocate
to walk, step, kick, skip, jog; to trip, stumble, dive; variance; to hurl, throw, toss; to fumble, drop, deposit
stick; to weed, cull, fell, eliminate, kill; to aerate, lift, elevate; to suspend, hang
to undermine, subvert, alter; to strip, expose, lay bare; to undress, disrobe; process, procedure; leverage, influence; to affect
incline, rise; hump, mountain
steps, stairway; to mount; to climb, arise, ascend; to surface; tendency, inclination
throat, esophagus, gullet; vocalization; to ingest, swallow, gulp, drink
to nod, acknowledge, confirm, verify
conduit, avenue, path; bowels; the birth canal/process; the umbilical
nervous system: nerves, synapses
urges, appetites, motivations; optimism, elation; to overflow, flood; excess
to repay, render; remuneration; to restore, rectify, purify
disagreement, altercation; animosity, bitterness; vengeance; to repress; anxiety; to depress, exasperate, vex


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Dalet = 4 m

Dalet 4th


door, entrance, exit; passageway, gateway, bridge; portal, threshold; tunnel, hallway
access; opening, opportunity; to appear, materialize
blockage, impediment; foreskin, covering; to forestall
peak, summit, pinnacle; apex, precipice
partition, wall; division, separation; middle; amidst, between, among
to sit, take position; yoga, meditation, contemplation
to look, see, observe; to notice, pay attention, monitor, spy
insight, impression, cognition; to consider, delve, investigate
secret chamber
heart, altar; nostril; vagina; anus
tent; refuge, hiding place, den, lair; to occupy, dwell, lodge; coffin, grave; burial vault, pyramid; security, solidity
penetration; to stab, pierce; pointed, prickly; briars, thorns; discomfort, pain, grief, suffering, hurt
to point out, name, specify; to decide, choose, select; to indicate, implicate
to shine
candlelight, flame, beam, corona, aura
pervasive; emotion, sentiment; excitement, thrill; fervor, love


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Hei = 5 m

He 5th


to separate; winnowing fan; to disregard, ignore; to differentiate, distinguish, discern, discriminate
to spread, proliferate; to distribute, disperse; to sow, broadcast; dissemination; to intersperse, intermingle, mix
to gather, select, choose; to collect, amass, retain, record
light, illumination, incandescence; sunlight, moonlight, starlight; rays, radiation, heat
discovery, realization; enlightenment; vision, revelation
life; aura, pheromones; attraction, lust, concupiscence; affiliations, reactions; to inflame, anger; rage; to shun, ignore, avoid; to resist, defy
to examine; to seek, hunt, search, explore; to rummage; to cull, shed, discard, discount; to dismiss, discredit
the pronouns she, her
to amplify
to blaze, sparkle; to identify; to show, highlight, emphasize; to indicate; notoriety; to value; the
(definite article)
instantaneous, quick, immediate, sudden, fast; to fan, exacerbate; to shame, embarrass
healing, purifying; beneficial, therapeutic, remedial
fingers, toes, claws, wings; integers, factors
to comb, groom; to pluck, pick, choose; to point out, indicate
breeze; to blow, cool, refresh; to ease, mollify; relief; weather: precipitation, rain, showers, hail, snow, fog
vapor, steam, evaporation; to leak, drip; to dissolve, diffuse, burst; deflation
sorrow, loss, regret; lamentation, weeping; catharsis
to catch
to capture, isolate; commerce, captivity
rows, ranks, columns, groupings; options, choices


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Vav = 6 m

Waw 6th


scales; to weigh, consider, evaluate, judge; to dispute, argue, deliberate, debate; to aver, champion, endorse
to adjudicate, negotiate, administer; to adjust, rectify, settle; reconciliation; to be right, correct, just; justice, fairness
to struggle, contend, wrestle; difficulty, resistance, opposition; to yield, consent, accede; to defer; to abandon; to surrender
to mediate, ameliorate, compromise; compensate; equilibrium, rest; calm, peace, equanimity, quietude

to yearn
to worship, cherish, adore, praise; reverence; supplication
urges; longing, aspiration, desire; compassion; gratitude; mercy; emotional vitality
zeal; to soar, glide, hover, fly; upwards; to offer, sacrifice, submit; capitulation
to smell, scent, sniff out; to investigate; to test, attempt, try; flexibility; to stretch, yawn; to plead, reach out, invoke
clavicle, shoulders; thumb, big toe; turtle
nail, pin, fastener; crutch; to adhere, clasp; girdle; to restrain, discourage, caution; consolidation; permanence
to wait; to be suspended; limbo, stasis, inertia; normality; the status quo; to thwart, harass, annoy; to pause, rest, desist, stop
to uphold, coddle, comfort; chair, seat, throne; chalice, cup
to own, claim, experience; to widen, stretch, broaden, proliferate; to pivot, rotate; contraction; to intensify, emphasize
abdomen, navel; pelvis; socket; fulcrum; womb; maternity
unity; to join, bond, wed, marry, unify
alignment; link, nexus, intersection; to meet, encounter, confront; to engage; to be attached, harnessed; reins; shackles
cooperation; to merge, converge; amalgamation
the conjunctions and, or, but, also; the adverbs therefore, then
to fill, inject; libation; to fuel, reinforce, strengthen; esophagus, lungs
tornado, cyclone, deluge; cornucopia; to be bountiful; to empty, drain; to collapse
vessel, host; breasts, teat; milk; nursing, nourishing, sustaining; outpouring
the pronouns he, him


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Zayin = 7m

Zayin 7th


drive, impetus, determination, obligation; root, masculinity
to oppress; opposition; to stifle; domination, suppression, tyranny
barrier; to dodge, avoid; to split, sever, diverge, separate
lightning; penetration, suffusion; influence, momentum; to strike, push, smite; a punch, blow; to knock
opposition; to wound, plague, bother, aggravate, afflict; to impinge
dependence; harmful, abusive, damaging; pejorative
to leak, drip, dribble; expenditure; to vacate
storm; surge, current, undertow
to lag, linger, lurk, stall
armament, weapons: sword, knife, dart, javelin, arrow, spear, whip, club, bludgeon; scythe, sickle
antagonism, acrimony; warrior, soldier, officer; foe, adversary, nemesis; trouble
to arm, prepare, ready; to intervene; to invade, bully, infringe upon; victim
to write, mark, etch; to engrave, anneal; to decorate, paint, cover over, coat
potter's wheel; instruments, tools, devices, inventions
carvings, statues, pottery, paintings, murals
correspondence, letter, epistle; words, statements, laws, statutes, ordinances
to write, author: to plan, plot, connive
to fly, escape, flee; refugee; bird; feather, pinion
zeal, exuberance, exhilaration, enthusiasm, excitement; mania
to hang, dangle, flop; to stand out, excel
intent, motive; import; expectation, ambition
goal, aim, end, agenda; outcome, result, eventuality
to complete, finish, conclude; consummation; termination; closure
abandonment; separation, desertion, schism
to subside; to submerge, inter; underground
deliverance; covering, salvation; overcoming
to impose order, organization; regeneration, healing; shabbat, rest


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Chet = 8 m

Chet 8th


agreement, consensus; accord; commitment; affinity, mutuality, empathy, harmony
to correspond; equality; equanimity; reciprocation
to honor, appreciate, celebrate; gladness, joy, elation, enthusiasm; hope, aspiration
alliance; accessory; competition, strife, discord; to plot, conspire, betray
work, labor, effort, service; vocation, assignment, job
to trade, exchange; to buy, purchase, amass
relationships; friendship, brotherhood; betrothal, engagement; to marry, wed
chest; vesture, mantle, apron; coat, cloak, robe, clothing
stretched, lengthened, elongated, broadened; scope, range, mass, extent
hips, limbs; to stand, stretch
weaving; warp, woof; fabric, cloth, net
scroll, book; context, situation
mutuality; to match, correspond; to extend; liaisons; interrelated
to aid
to abet; care, help, assistance, succor
to empathize, share, cooperate, coordinate; to exchange
means to reach new plateaus; to ascend; to climb, elevate, mount
to reconsider, repent, reform, change; to enhance, improve, better
to descend; to collapse; to weaken, deteriorate; to denigrate
borders; framework, fence, obstruction, obstacle
perspective, outlook; to sight, glimpse, imagine
distanced; vague, approximate, arbitrary, capricious
depression, fatigue, anxiety, fear, angst


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Tet = 9 m

Tet 9th


conflict resolution; harmonization of disparate forces; to solve, come together, coalesce, reach accord
inclusiveness, reinforcement, verification; to strengthen, fortify, fill; to possess
to integrate; to adhere; amalgamation; order; union, mating; fertilization
the four worlds (earth, air, water, fire); four levels of interpretation (pshat, remez, drush, sod)
Ezekiel's living creatures; the four beasts surrounding the throne
the unified elements of incarnation (spirit, angel, soul, body); the four camps of Yisrael
angels, cherubim, seraphim, messenger
repository; vase, bowl, basin
dwelling area; city, community, town
to be hidden, concealed, obscured, occluded, bound, covered, contained
consumption; to gather, collect, assemble; network
Earth; globe, planet; solar system, universe; cube, sphere
cave, lair; stall, pen, prison; shelter, refuge
captivity, restraint, confinement; solids; caged, jailed, imprisoned, garrisoned
to control, keep, oppress; abuse, torment, persecution
stasis, inertia; to be sated, satisfied
to target
to specify, locate, point out, indicate, highlight; specificity; to map, delineate
to confront; to encompass, surround; to limit, inhibit, obstruct, block, defeat, nullify
to interpose; to circumvent; to navigate; compass
victim, sacrifice, offering
sequences, patterns, arrangements; segmentation
to break apart, wreck, devastate; dissolution; to differ, alienate; divisiveness, contradiction; to reject
to define, label, name, identify, characterize
to persevere, endure; alliance, to adhere, hold together; cohesion; to absorb
to adjust, rearrange, alter, tweak; to twirl, spin, revolve
buckler; to shield, protect, safeguard, hide; safety
truth, trust; obedience; co-dependence; interchange


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Yud = 10 m

Yod 10th

Reduction Factor: 1/a


means of attainment; wrist and cupped fingers; giving, receiving, sharing
to obtain, acquire, accumulate, amass; to count, number, approximate
to catch, grab, pick, take; to touch, feel; to reach, fondle; to beckon, invite; to bring
ability; stamina, duration; satisfaction; expedience
possession, ownership; acquisitions, fortune, wealth; benefactor
the adjectives my, mine, my own
to incite
to entice, tempt, excite; to offer, invite, inspire; to motivate, shove, rush, hurry
to instill, insinuate; to nudge, stimulate, kindle, enable, implement; appreciation, applause
activity; to act, perform, do, achieve; to arrive, depart
to engage, experience; to tease, titillate; to irritate, debilitate
to provide, supply, furnish; to apply, exert, exercise
to present, introduce; to demonstrate, expose, identify, betray
assertion, imposition; to pay, repay, restore; to redress, adjust
to kneel, pay homage; to honor, respect, salute, serve
obeisance, submission; to be humbled; to succumb, suffer
responsibility; necessity; to require, need, want
to plant; to enact, execute, utilize; behavior, intent
to appropriate
to retain, profit, benefit; to hold, clasp; to confiscate, hoard; usury
to steal, rob, take, deplenish, reduce, eliminate, empty; thief, robber
to release

to impart; to allow, give up, let go, part with; to avert, avoid, brush aside
liberation; to drop, forsake; to dismiss, abandon, discard; to betray
to write
to inscribe; inscription; to note, record
to design, engineer; author, source; scribe


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Kaf = 20 mm (Final, 500)

Kaf 11th

Reduction Factor: 2/b


to simplify, restructure; to clarify, explicate; to expedite
to complicate, obfuscate; difficulties, problems; anticipation, expectation, hope
to stumble, trip, cartwheel, fall; to pivot, turn; regret
to sabotage, overthrow, defeat, upend, expunge; disorder
antlers, extremities; utensils: spoon, fork; handle; to be useful
multiplication, largesse; tribe, family, offspring
the pronouns you, your
repetition, proliferation, reiteration, permutation; divergence, diversity; outward
prefix of comparison: like, as, accordingly
to expose
to make evident, uncover, acknowledge; to brandish, brag, boast
to be visible, obvious, apparent, conspicuous; evidence, tracks, signs
tree, branch, leaves; tree of the knowledge of good and evil
trident, pitchfork; broad path, crooked way
vine; productivity, fruitfulness; harvesting, reaping
palm of hand, sole of foot; cheek
curved, concave; convex, hollow; perverse, twisted, demented; inverted
claw; bird, rooster; flight; to maul, rend, tear asunder
cliff, crag; rocks, boulders
lessons, doctrines, coverings
persuasion, coercion; to proselytize, convert
to applaud, rejoice
upheaval, tumult, chaos, riot; unrest


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Lamed = 30 m

Lamed 12th

Reduction Factors: 21/ak, 3/g


to redirect, deflect, evade, alter
to reconsider, redistribute; to repent; to prevent
the prepositions to, towards, unto, into, during, for, about, according to, at, by, of, with, in, within, as, belonging to
the adjectives each, every
to provoke
to test; to encourage; to promote, aver, champion, favor
to compel, force, enforce; to challenge, obstruct, interfere
to accuse, indict; malice
serpent; physical drives; compulsions
to restrain
to defend; to cease, stop, deny, forebear; to refrain, withhold; to recall, summons
to discourage, inhibit, prevent, deny, oppose; to revoke, limit, forbid
arm; wrist and hand; leg and foot; finger, fist
tongue; nose; bone; penis
to instruct
to point, indicate, imply; to order, command, insist
teacher, instructor; lesson; to be schooled, taught
to argue, debate; to prove, disprove
beard; maturity; ancient, wise; confident
role, function; influence; authority
staff; to prod, goad; to herd, wrangle
to guide, steer, protect, oversee; to set course, direction
rod; to chastise, correct, punish, afflict, damage, hurt; control


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


 m Mem = 40 mm (Final, 600)

Mem 13th

Reduction Factors: 31/al, 4/d


to free, prepare; to rescue, release, liberate; to circumvent; libertine
to undo; to unlock, unleash, move
relaxed, unrestricted, unfettered, unbound, undefined; nebulous, haphazard
unspecific, uncategorical; continuous, on-going, unabated
impetuous, spontaneous; to drift, wander; disorderly, superficial
wilderness; extent, scope, length, width; derivation
the prepositions from, since, of; the adverb more than
discomfort; to befuddle, confuse; to forget; disorientation, uncertainty; duress
to trouble, accuse; to demean; to uproot, destabilize; to ambush
noise, clamor; rumble, roar; uproar; to be wild, reckless; frivolity, indulgence
uninhibited, undisciplined, unruly, rude; undue, unwarranted; unqualified
to exit; to run, flee, depart; to be lost, disoriented
to loosen, divorce; to eliminate, dismiss; to quit, cease, stop
to draw out, empty; debt; to owe, lose; to disburse, pay, remunerate
water; tides, waves, currents, ripples; to pour, fill, irrigate; deluge, flood
to bathe, wash, soak; to cool, soothe, relieve
to flow; to be swift, soft, supple; cleansing, refreshing, easing; ameliorative
semen, issue; oil; wine, libation; tears
venom; poison; spit, mucous; pus, bile, vomit
to mirror
to reflect, ape, mimic; memory; to return, answer, respond; accordingly
to allude, invoke, suggest; to petition
message, counsel, advice; information; allegory, parable; wisdom's attributes
others; peer groups, members, participants; multitudes; nations; multiplication
to be chosen, destined, anointed; favoritism, preference, privilege
lustfulness; harlotry, whoredom
the thigh
the loins, bowels
to crawl, creep, scurry; scorpion; snake; to coil


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Nun = 50 m m(Final, 700)

Nun 14th

Reduction Factors: 41/am, 5/h


potential, possibility, prospects, promise; plausibility
surprising, unexpected; optional, arbitrary; nuanced, multifaceted, multidirectional
instability; to rock, sway; vacillation, caution; to waver; undependable, unreliable; flippant
scope, weight, extent
to tuck, tumble, jump; catapult, sling
to restrict, limit, confound; to negate, neutralize, undo; to backtrack, backslide; denial
to decline, subside; loss, impoverishment; discomfort, prostration, devastation
failure, defeat; to fold; to inhibit; to undermine, topple; to stone
to fall, collapse; to sit, recline; to yawn, sleep, snore
to deplete; to degenerate; indulgence; to withdraw; to suck, filter, leach
to suffer, endure, perservere
augmentation; to take in, recognize; to gain, exchange
determination; to investigate, assess; to try, attempt
to vow, swear; interior application/action
the Sons of Man symbol: an enlightened man, woman, person
to sprout
to spread, proliferate, extend, project; proclivity
to result, happen, unfold; eventuality; to actualize; operative
suggestive; sudden, unexpected, unforeseen
ritual; purpose; method, routine; device; configuration
to glisten
spectacular; vigorous; to shine, flourish; fecundity, fertility; desire, need
to discover, display, reveal, demonstrate, enact
prominence, endurance; jubilee
to swim; to slither, sneak; scaled species; lizard, frog
to nibble, gnaw, annoy, nag, discomfit


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Samech = 60 m

Samek 15th

Reduction Factors: 51/an, 6/w


Tree of Life
tower, refuge, shelter; fortification
united branches; the three crosses; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (mother and two daughters)
burning bush (the process of salvation); plants, herbs, flowers, weeds
the complete physical organism; spine, ribs, skeleton
to be competent, responsible, consistent, constructive, determined; reliance, trust
empowerment; to enforce, demand, insist, require
to warn, prepare, protect; sage, watcher, seer, prophet
to uphold
pillar, post; to support, bear; to strengthen, structure, organize
to authorize, encourage, sustain
to be steadfast; stability, security; constraint; secrecy; shelter, hiding place
to bristle, emote; to shock, frighten; to worry, vex, harass, trap; distressed, irritated
to permeate, spread, broadcast, proliferate; to dissipate; distended; exhaustion
hair; comb, brush; to groom, curry
skin, integuments; fabric; layered, woven
framework; multi-dimensional; frayed, ragged, stretched
walls, corridors; fence, corral; constructions, arrangements
segmented; to overreach; overextended, excessive
to invade, infect
seasons, cycles, days, months, years
progressions; multiplicity, repetition; to harp upon


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Ain = 70m

Ayin 16th

Reduction Factors: 61/as, 7/z


understanding, realization; compassion; ardor, warmth; eagerness
to consider, reflect upon, ponder, think
eye, iris, pupil, cornea, lens
to look, see, stare; to view, study, detect
overview; penetrating vision; prophecy
to be clear, precise; to clarify; keen, transparent, obvious, certain
light source
sun, moon, stars; to glow, gleam; illuminated; brightness, iridescence
jewels, treasures, precious metals
to be attentive, concerned, worried, anxious, expectant
frontier, promised land; boundaries, limitations; body openings; body organs
to circumscribe
to circumcise; to circle, surround; to overcome, supersede, surpass
comprehensive, global; satisfactory, fulfilled, successful
composure, wholeness; adequacy, sufficiency; accommodation; perseverance
bud; loop, circuit, lap
to inform; to advise, coach, tutor
to overwhelm; to lay siege; hostility, jealousy, shame; rage; arrogance, boastfulness
cistern; bodies of water: lakes, oceans, springs, fountains, pools
to enlarge; sated, saturated, full; inflation
pit, crater, hole, cavity; depth; abyss
empty, blank, vacant, absent; expressionless; superficial
zero, none, no, nil, null

Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


mPei = 80 mm (Final, 800)

Pe 17th

Reduction Factors: 71/ao, 8/j


aspiration; to inhale, exhale; to blow, puff, sneeze
soul as expression of spirit
voice, speech, language; tongues
elocution: to speak, address, announce, advertise; to offer, promise
to nag, harp, berate, mock, belittle, scorn, denigrate
to accuse, allege; to curse, imprecate; to challenge, scream, yell, insist
saying, utterance; mantra; pronouncement, order, commandment
verbalization, locution; argument, address, sermon, homily
to chant, sing; poetry, psalms
physiognomy, visage, appearance; persona, personality, character; manner, style
jaw, mouth, lip; maw, gullet, craw
to eat, partake, devour; to consume; to dine, feed; a feast, meal
to open
to acknowledge; to appear, manifest, materialize; to reveal, unmask, ravish, violate
to pivot; to permit, allow; to disperse, disseminate, distribute, spread
to dodge, escape, evade, avoid; to rupture, herniate; wound, incision
to shut
to close, restrict, limit, disallow; to dictate; to marginalize
to delay, drag, postpone; to divert, deny, refuse; to prohibit
edge, side; lateral, exterior; border, region; corner, ceiling, roof
extremity, end; lock of hair, fringes, sideburns
cup, scoop, bowl; cave, cavern, chasm; saddle; ridge line
stomach; fruit; nutshell, rind, peel
the adverbs here; hence, therefore


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Tsadik = 90 m m(Final, 900)

Tsade 18th

Reduction Factors: 81/ap, 9/f


repentance; sacrifice; adjudication, rectification
metamorphosis, transfiguration; accomplishment, enactment; success
innocent, just, upright; perfect; accurate, right, true; honorable, saintly
respect, reverence, fear, piety
the remnant
to dance
to leap, jump, turn, rotate, spin, revolve, skip; fishhook
to triumph, overcome; delight; victory
the lifted leg; imbalance; lateral, adjacent; to expose, allude, invoke
to walk, run, march, issue forth
to diverge, evade; suppression; to challenge, oppose, defy
to hunt
to chase, pursue, follow; to engage; to flee; flight, escape
to attempt, try, experiment
sects, orders; governments, organizations; officialdom; to salute
insects, swarms; armies; military
battle; to attack, be aggressive; to devastate, conquer
to discourage
to ward off, deflect; to defend, exorcise, eradicate; to acquit; to be afraid
to subvert, sabotage; to topple, overturn; to discomfit; to wander, stray


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Kuf = 100 m

Qof 19th

Reduction Factors: 91/ax, 10/y, 1/a


sanctification, purification; spiritual separation, dedication
to be careful, discrete; reticence, circumspection
to be distinguished, chosen, sanctified
priest's cap, crown; brain stem
firmament; sky; corona, dome, vault
spiritual rains, storms, downpours; deluge
to blossom, flower, ascend
domain, realm; protection, covering
to guard, safeguard, protect; to oversee, regulate
to designate
to confer, confirm; to appoint, ordain; to nominate
to be invested, dedicated; a specialist; skilled
bow and arrow
to pierce, alight upon; to push, propel; vibration
boat, oar; ark; to siphon, drain, empty; urination; drill; harp
carnal knowledge; intercourse, impregnation
glans, clitoris; climax, ejaculation
darkness; shade tree; smoke; sanctimony
to mask, hide, occlude, darken, dim, veil
back of head; monkey, ape
(faceless man); skull


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l



m Reish = 200 m

Resh 20th

Reduction Factors: 20/k, 2/b


king, ruler, leader; overseer; messiah, seer, visionary; person
instigator; opponent, adversary, enemy
to shoulder; to commandeer; determination, domination
competence, responsibility; to be decisive, assertive
to adjure, urge, persuade; to manage, control, rule, command, insist
to disallow, forbid; to exorcise
axe, shovel; to chop, chisel; to cleave, sever, remove, stop
tyranny; to threaten, intimidate, bully; to damage, desiccate
topmost, main, primary; predominant, chief component; source, start
to happen, occur, transpire; tributary; to reward
peak, pinnacle, crest, height, summit; rooftop
to be large, weighty, self-important; dignitary
to rise, fall, climb, descend
the head
mind; thought, knowledge, intelligence
to watch, regard; to signal, inform; lofty, proud, aloof
nobility, eminence; discretion, beauty; devotion; to praise, esteem
to be graceful; elegance; to sail


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Shin = 300 m

Shin 21st

Reduction Factors: 30/l, 12/by, 3/g


Spirit, spirits; glory; solar; fire, worm; angel, cherubim, seraphim
dream, vision, portent
to wrestle, struggle, fight, contend
musculature; might, prowess; to be forceful, compelling, convincing
tusk; ivory; to bite, tear, rend
to gnaw, to ingest, consume, assimilate, absorb; a meal
paw; to savage, maul, shatter, destroy, decimate
to saw, separate, excise, sever
to applicade; to sew, mend; amelioration; to knead; to afflict, suppress
to widen; to excite, invigorate, energize; invasive exploration
buoyancy; to float; to loft, raise; to be lifted up, carried
correlation of above and below
agitation; to shake, tickle; torment; to be upset, bothered, disturbed; to tremble
to loathe, hate, despise; to undermine; to conspire, connive
to vent
tantrum, breakdown
buttocks; evacuation; elimination
to wobble
variation, vibration
weakness, frailty, vulnerability; illness
sleep, snoring; death; repetition, monotony
to juggle, jiggle, wiggle, wobble; to take wing


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l


m Tav = 400m

Taw 22nd

Reduction Factors: 40/m, 4/d


to end, finish; to cancel; to obliterate, alter, change
to disappear, vanish, fade, dwindle; to oppose, resist, forbid
regeneration, resurrection, continuation; wholeness
reiteration; subsequent, additional
endurance; forever, perpetuality; persistence
square; four corners, four directions
signature, characteristic, feature; sign, emblem
cross, weather vane; to partition, fence; to pass sentence
to intersect
nexus; synapse; link, tendon
to corner, locate; stalemate, loggerheads
to expose
to unmask; to encounter, meet, confront
to curse, hex; to enchant, cast spells; prediction, speculation
proliferation; open-ended, on-going
to measure, assess, investigate, monitor
to complete; infinity, sum, totality


Kaf kmmmYod y mmmTet f mmChet j mmmZayin z mmmWaw w mmmHe hmmmDalet dmmmGimel gmmmBet b mmmAlef a

Taw tmmmShin c mmmResh r mmmQof q mmmTsade xmmmPe pmmmAyin o mmmSamek s mmmNun n mmmMem mmmmLamed l




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