When the
word to begin was proclaimed, creation embarked on its timed journey to
the end of days, as wheels began to turn within wheels. Of that first
day it is written that creation, as expression of HaShem’s will, was
tohu and bohu—that is to say that the temporal realm, gaining
form in response to the father’s song, was formless and empty, and that
HaShem perceived great darkness on the face of potentiality. All that,
one day, would come to pass was, as yet, veiled in darkness.
spirit was moved by the fluidity of that which might be; and as the
first day’s morning approached, the day's first word was released, “Let
there be— lightening
rwa!” And emanating from the eternal at the command of his
word’s enunciation, God’s formless spirit found release from
As the word of HaShem entered the temporal, driven by the
father’s spirit, the vision began to clarify as the pattern, the logos,
the divine seed; for the blueprint of creation had been begotten through
congruence, and it was given birth by expression: the principles within
HaShem’s spirit were made evident as the Light of God
hla appeared, falling upon and filling the contours of the
concepts that had first appeared within the vision. Having begun, the
mandate of the living word would have no end.
Through the word: that is, by the enunciation of divine
thought, by its projection into temporal realms— all things were made;
and without the expressed word of the life force, nothing was made that
has been made. The father invested his Breath of Life by its projection
into the temporal, and the expression of that life, cycle upon cycle, is
becoming the light
rwa of men. It shines in the
darkness of our bodies, and darkness does not overcome it.
Our father
a bears the weight
w of his authority
r, and his great power
a thunders
w within his mind
r. The creator ponders and plans
a his merciful
w mastery
r as his fiery principles
a lay claim to their seats within the lamps
w of anointed minds
r; for it is HaShem’s intent to
a true
w knowledge
zr: The
r that is perfect
zk: …displays the fruit
k of its perfection
Checksum: The
thorough measurement
f) of evidence
k will result
zk) in knowledge
r that is perfectly objective
zr); and
because it will have been both tested
k and verified
zk), it will resolve all issues
The infinite Presence saturates the eternal realm; and to
expand, therefore, the Infinite One had to become, also, less: to become
la had to
become, also, smaller. For immortality to become a meaningful concept,
mortality had, first, to be established; then, subsequently, to be
overcome. It was the pleasure of the great spirit to dwell in thick
darkness, but it would choose to project the light of Day
mwy upon the darkness that would become known as Night
In recognition that darkness cannot withstand the light
but flees before it, the scripture reads that there was evening and
there was morning, Day One: the fading evening that comes before and
follows after the expanse of Night would usher in each new morning; for
the second day would see creation of the expanse in which Night and Day
dance. That dance had really begun in the firmament, however, with the
Light Bearer’s words, “Let there be.” |