(Avel-Mitzraim) the Plain/lba of Egypt/myr xm; meadow/lba of restricions/boundaries/myrxm.
Notaricon: limited/a awareness/b leads/l to trouble/m, and upsetting/x thoughts/r that bring/y confusion/m; a focus/a that interiorizes/b instruction/l for the
cleansing/m and transformation/x of thoughts/r accumulated/y under duress/m.
Gematria, 413/gyt: a continuum
resulting in birth. Numerological Value,
89/fp: obvious
divisions. Reduction Factors, 8/j: separation
that; 17/zy: allows a foe; 35/hl: to afflict and institutionalize; 44/dm: the people
who live in tents; 53/gn: it facilitate the birth process; 71/ao: by clarifying
focus; 98/jx: unto transformations through repentance.