nwblu yba
y father/ba is insult, humiliation/nwblu.
Emblem readings: a contraction/a within the soul/b brings/y understanding/u and redirection/l for the formulation/b of just/w desires/n; a constriction/a of consciousness/b provokes/y discernment/u and change/l through careful/b evaluation/w of what's displayed/n.

Gematria, 171/auq: regulation of understanding through contrition.

Numerology, 63/gs: bristling nerves.

Reduction Factors, the juxtaposition of disparate points of view f (9) encourages y comparisons j (18), which can lead to upheavals k that end in  antagonism z (27) that can lead l to a balanced w (36) understanding o that is capable of formulating b (72) expressions p of principles a (81) that are correct x (90).
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