Abib (Aviv) conducive to growth; promoting greenness: a beginning
of the process of ripening; time of immature fruit; the Father's/ba hand is
active /y in the Creation/b; the Father/ba provides/y a habitat/b: Spring; first month of the Hebrew year (Nisan):
composite earthly and heavenly sign that signals ascension.
Notaricon: the
Primal Cause/a develops/b attainment/y of form/b; concepts/a that cause developmentalb
activityy within the soul/b; the emanation/a of forms/b to attain/y full development/b; concepts/a interiorized/b to activate/y development/b; emanated/a forms/b acquiring/y houses/b; an initial/a state of consciousness/b given/y to the soul/body/b.
Gematria and Numerological Value, 15/hy: emanation
of Light.
Regulating Factor, 6/w: the outpouring.
See father/ba; Nisan/nsyn.