Abishag (Avishag) my/y father/ba exaggerates/misleads/gc.
Notaricon: concepts/a developed/b as result
of experiences/activities/y interfere/c with the birth process/g; a focus/a that formulates/b actions/y that over-stimulate/c the nervous system/g; the Life Force/a implements/b blessings/y that excite/c inclination/g.
Gematria, 316/wyc: disruption
affects judgment. Numerological Value,
37/zl: corrective
opposition. Reduction Factors, 1/a: friction;
stimulates; 19/fy: active discord; 46/wm: that reflects judgments; 64/ds: bristling with emotion;
overturning principles; 109/fq: with darkened resolutions; 136/wlq: that obscure mature
judgment; 163/gos: and stress/fray understandings of the birth process.