Aher (aker,
achar, akair) after, behind; to carry forward,
take further; to follow through; afterwards, consequence; another,
other; different, strange; second; to procrastinate, defer; to
loiter, overstay; to delay, detain.
Notaricon: an
explosive force/a that exceeds/goes beyond/j a line of sight/r; a concept/a that expands/j with thought/r; the focused/a effort/j required for thought/r; a restricted/a perspective/j dominates thought/r; a choking/narowing/a of perspective/j and thought/r.
Gematria, 209/fr: to instigate
resolution. Numerological Value, 29/fk: branching
is restrained. Reduction Values, 11/ay: to release
a spark; 2/b: consciousness.
Temurah, jra/road, arj/dung.
See back/rwja; other/yrja.