Ashes - Dust - Gloomy - Meadow - Head Cover




dust (ayfer, afair)
ashes; nothingness; grey, gloomy; mask, head cover, tiara; to make up/dust the face; meadow.

Notaricon: motes/a that blow/p and sail/r; diminished/a command/p of thought/r; a wrapping/a for the hair/p of the head/r; to consolidate/a the face's/p beauty/r; an area/a that opens/p on the mountainside/r; concepts/a tossed around/p in the mind/r.

Gematria, 281/apr: thought manifests as concepts.
Numerological Value, 38/jl: evasive outlook.
Temurah, rap/adorn; arp/wild; apr/heal.




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