Gematria 311: ayc


Word Form: kdrm lywa    Value Definition: afflictive/c actions/y abound/a. See <n77>.
Oral Tradition: a drunkard/lywa who is abusive/domineering/arm when afflicted/kd.   Notaricon: diminished/a equilibrium/judgment/w in actions/y and roles/l results/m in domination/r and emotional/d upheaval/k.
Word Form: cya    Value Definition: exciting/c and blessing/y the life force/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: man; husband.   Notaricon: the life force/a manifested/y as divine fire/c; emanation/a that manifests/y wisdom/c; the principle/a activated/y by Wisdom/c; seed/a fashioned/y in fire/c.
Word Form: cay    Value Definition: wisdom/c shaping/y life force/principles/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: to despair; to cause despair; to be without hope, hopeless.   Notaricon: an action/y that reduces/a strength/c; to manifest/y a diminished/a inward fire/c; to apply/y the thorn/a in order to disturb/c.
Word Form: ayc    Value Definition: wisdom/c shaping/y life force/principles/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: height; apex, summit; climax; peak, crest, acme; pinnacle; record; maximum.   Notaricon: to apply/c the hand/y to the central point/a; wisdom/c manifested/y in concepts/a; strength/c acquires/y power/a.



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