Gematria 350: nc


Word Form: rpu    Value Definition: disruption/c of filters/n. See <n53>.
Oral Tradition: Epher; dust, sand, dry soil, clod; dusted; pulverize.   Notaricon: to surround/u the openings/p of the head/r; to overwhelm/u the soul/p and the mind/r.
Word Form: pru    Value Definition: shattered/c potential/n. See <n53>.
Oral Tradition: drip; droop, drop; to break the neck; to decapitate, behead; to demolish, destroy; neck, nape; rear; distant place.   Notaricon: hostility/u upon the head/r and face/p; a keen/u axe/r edge/p; a saturated/u mind/r speaks/p.
Word Form: urp   Value Definition: disturbing/c reversals/n. See <n53>.
Oral Tradition: loosen; riot, abandon, reject; to pay, repay; to defray; to reward, punish, revenge, avenge; to uncover; dishevelled; disorderly, unkempt; hair; leader, prince; a protrusion.   Notaricon: to open/p the mind/r to its fullest/u; an extremity/p ruled/r by confusion/u; the fruits/p of authoritative/r transfer/u.
Word Form: pur   Value Definition: extraction/c from potentiality/n. See <n53>.
Oral Tradition: drip; drop, trickle; to drizzle; dripping, dropping, trickling; tile, slate.   Notaricon: wellspring/u opened/p as a source/r; to transfer/u expressions/p of thought/r.
Word Form: nc   Value Definition: biting/c implement/n. See <n35>.
Oral Tradition: Shen; tooth, claw; jaw, paw; tusk, ivory; peak.   Notaricon: dental/c display/n; eating/c device/n.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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