Gematria 351: an c


Word Form: lprma   Value Definition: shazttering/c display/n of power/a. See <n63>.
Oral Tradition: Amraphel; the command/rma, "Surrender!/lp " (imperative of lp n ).   Notaricon: the forceful/a issuance/m of a King's/r comand/p for obedience/l.
Word Form: cna   Value Definition: the spirit/c displayed/n in humanity/a. See <n36>.
Oral Tradition: man; human; to be ill, sick, feeble, frail.   Notaricon: the life force/a in a son of man/n is vulnerable/c; the life force/a subsides/n unto death/c.
Word Form: ysrpa   Value Definition: vulnerability/c to multidirectional/n intervention/a. See <n63>.
Oral Tradition: Apharsite; belonging to a throng of people.   Notaricon: force/a that manifests/p as a threat/r by overspreading/s possessions/y.
Word Form: acn   Value Definition: buoyed up/c by a purposeful/n force/a. See <n36>.
Oral Tradition: to carry, bear, lift, raise; to take; to transfer; to contain; to pardon, forgive; to suffer, endure; to elevate, promote, heighten; to be lofty, respected; to be carried, borne, spirited away; to be misled, enticed, deceived, deluded; to beguile, dupe, mislead, entice, seduce, deceive, delude; to claim a debt; to lend at interest.   Notaricon: a display/n is buoyed up/c via force/a; the potential/n of wisdom's/c power/a; to endure/n agitation/c unto renewal/a; reversal/n of hateful/c concepts/a; reversals/n that are destructive/c and powerful/a; designs/n with destructive/c implications/a.
Word Form: anc   Value Definition: to undermine/c the potential/n of one's self/a. See <n36>.
Oral Tradition: hate; detest, abhor; to dislike.   Notaricon: to hate/c a son of man/n vehemently/a; to struggle/c with reversing/n concepts/a.



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