Gematria 356: wn c


Word Form: hnca   Value Definition: wisdom/c implements/n balances/w. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: Ashnah; I shall become/a repetitious/hnc; I shall become/a transmuted/hnc; a burning/ca lamentation/hn.   Notaricon: the ability/a to widen/c the potentialites/n of life/h; constrained/a sorrow/c displayed/n instantaneously/h.
Word Form: hacn   Value Definition: to lift/c the weight/n to the scales/w. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: burden; load, cargo; deceiver, enticer; to be a married woman.   Notaricon: a weight/n lifted up/c and settled/a for distribution/h; a woman/n strengthened/c by the force/presence/a of light/h.
Word Form: hanc   Value Definition: hateful/c intent/n broadens/w. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: hatred; hate, enmity; animosity.   Notaricon: hate/c displayed/n with forceful/a emphasis/h; destructive/c desires/intents/n expand/a dramatically/h.



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