Gematria 515: h yq t


Word Form: twkb nwla   Value Definition: renewal/t and purification/q brought/y by tears/h.
See <n74>.
Oral Tradition: oak/nwla of weeping/lamentation/twkb.   Notaricon: a constriction/a that provokes/l passionate/w display/n of what's inside/b through conspicuous/k outpourings/w that are without measure/t.
Word Form: rwjca   Value Definition: place/t of smoke/q and shared/y light/h.
See <n57>.
Oral Tradition: fire/ca hole/rwj; blackened.   Notaricon: focus/a on wisdom/c aids/j deliberative/w thinking/r.
Word Form: hcr y   Value Definition: a measurement/t confirming/q the gifts/y of life/h.
See <n56>.
Oral Tradition: inheritance; heritage; possession, legacy; heirloom.   Notaricon: to attain/y authority/r through wisdom/c and enlightenment/h; to acquire/y by the axe/r through destruction/c and division/h.
Word Form: hr yc   Value Definition: a measurement/t confirming/q the gifts/y of life/h.
See <n56>.
Oral Tradition: song; poetry; singing, music; caravan, convoy, column.   Notaricon: wisdom/c provides/y beauty/r for life/h; strength/c to attain/y the mountaintops/r of life/h.



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