Gematria 581: apqt


Word Form: mydck rwa    Value Definition: measurement/t of domains/q as expressions/p of principle/a. See <n86>.
Oral Tradition: Ur of the Chaldees; light/rwa of astrologers/mydck; the East.   Notaricon: a principled/a weighing/w of thought/r for lessons/k in fire/wisdom/c involving past, present, and future/d manifestations/y of the fullness of life/m; principles/a embraced/w via knowledge/r as the extension/k of wisdom/c that opens the way/d to the acquisition/y of fullness/m; a focus/a that links/w knowledge/r in the branches/k of wisdom/c with insgihts/d from diciplined/y reflection/m; the will/a to balance/w the mind/r as it rejoices/k in.glorious/c insights/d achieved/y in reflection/m.
Word Form: nqtla   Value Definition: precision/t confirms/q expression/p of principle/a. See <n68>.
Oral Tradition: Eltekon; God/la is straight/right/nqt; God/la repairs/nqt.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a encourages/l measurements/t that confirm/q configuration/n; the Life Force/Principle//a prompts/l regeneration/t by purifying/q potentiality/n.
Word Form: rpca   Value Definition: a measured/t domain/q within a fruitful/p location/a. See <n59>.
Oral Tradition: portion, morsel; seamstress; interior decorator; fiery/ca bullock/rp.   Notaricon: the ability/a to excite/c both mouth/p and mind/r.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
