Gematria 651: anrt


Word Form: rmtya    Value Definition: the renewed/t mind/r unfolding/n principles/a. See <n66>.
Oral Tradition: Itamar; a son/work of Aaron; island/ya of the palm tree/rmt.   Notaricon: life force/a by which to achieve/y a composition/t of spiritual/m thoughts/r; principle/a that manages/y measurements/t of reflection/m within the mind/r; power/a attained/y by the measurement/t of reflective/m thought/r.
Word Form: tymra   Value Definition: marks/t of the chisel/r that display/n concepts/a. See <n66>.
Oral Tradition: Aramaic; Syriac; the Syrian language.   Notaricon: principles/a of knowledge/r fill/m inscriptive/y marks/t.
Word Form: myrta   Value Definition: measuring/t watch/r that assimilates/n concepts/a. See <n66>.
Oral Tradition: Atharim; places, sites, locations; spies.   Notaricon: areas/a measured/t by the mind/r and assertively/y chosen/m.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
