Gematria 109: fq


Word Form: klmyja   Value Definition: a covering/q for the community/f. See <n57>.
Oral Tradition: Ahimelech; my/y brother/ja is king/klm; my/y companion/ja is counsel/klm.   Notaricon: close/a relationship/j shared/y with the anointed/m elder/leader/l of the tribe/k; a principled/a helpmate/j provides/y swift/m instruction/l that persuades/k.
Word Form: nmyja   Value Definition: protective/q shield/f. See <n46>.
Oral Tradition: Ahiman; my/y brother/companion/ja is (my) portion/nm.   Notaricon: close/a relationship/j that provides/y a release/m of potentialities/n.
Word Form: hydx   Value Definition: control/q of a target/f. See <n37>.
Oral Tradition: malice; premeditation; evil designs; wicked intent.   Notaricon: an other-directed/lateral/x perception/d that brings/y division/h; to ward off/x an opportunityd to achieve/y enlightenment/h; a successful/x block/d to the gifts/y of life/h.
Word Form: hdyx   Value Definition: the bow and arrow's/q target/f. See <n37>.
Oral Tradition: food; provisions, supplies; hunting.   Notaricon: the hunter's/x acquisitions/y for the tent/d are collected/distributed/h; righteousness/x provides/y access/d to enlightenment/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
