Gematria & Numerology 11: ay


Word Form: wda   Value Definition: actions/y that limit or expand/a; to impart/y strength/a.
Oral Tradition: Iddo.   Notaricon: conceptual/a gateway/d to unity/w; the life force/a in emotional/d equilibrium/w; to diminish/a the heart's/d deliberations/w.
Word Form: hha   Value Definition: manifestation/y of ego/a; to lose/y strength/a.
Oral Tradition: alas; woe, bless me.   Notaricon: an excessive/a abandonment/h and animation/h.
Word Form: dwa   Value Definition: manipulation/y of power/a; application/y of force/a.
Oral Tradition: firebrand; brand, poker, fire stick.   Notaricon: power/a and/w opportunity/d; the life force/a connects/w with an opening/d.
Word Form: bja   Value Definition: a blessing/y for the leader/a; to grab/y power/a.
Oral Tradition: Ahab; I will/a cherish/bj.   Notaricon: a powerful/a affinity/j for the household/b; a forceful/a anxiousness/j for the house/tribe/b.
Word Form: ya   Value Definition: a manifest/y principle/a; my/y diminishment/a.
Oral Tradition: islands; where.   Notaricon: the life force/a in a particularized designation/y; a constricted area/a of activity/y; a point/a given manifestation/y; a diminishment/a of ego/y.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
