Gematria 120: k q


Word Form: smk   Value Definition: a protection/q for fruits/k. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: conceal; to hide; to store, lay up; a store room, cellar, dungeon.   Notaricon: an evident/k reflection/m of need for security/stability/s; branching/k from/m fortification/s; produce/k off-loaded/emptied-out/m dependably/s.
Word Form: msk   Value Definition: head covering/q simplification/k. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: shear; to cut, clip, trim hair.   Notaricon: to restructure/k hair/bristles/s freely/m.
Word Form: skm   Value Definition: control/q of productivity/k. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: tribute; customs, levy, tax, duty, toll; to pay fee.   Notaricon: to release/m the productivity/k required/demanded/s.
Word Form: ksm   Value Definition: concealment/q by restructuring/k. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: mingle; to mix, blend; to pour, dispense; curtain, wall hanging; to screen; lampshade.   Notaricon: fluid/m spreading out/s in branching directions/k; to impose confusion/m on a structure/s by restructuring/k.
Word Form: kms   Value Definition: a protective/q extension/k. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: rely; to trust; to support, encourage, aid, assist; to draw near; to graduate; to lean upon; to approach, approximate; a support, fulcrum; a reference; the fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: support/s for the troubled/m and the overthrown/k; trusting/s the people/m of the tribe/k; a bulwark/s facilitating/m productivity/k.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
