Gematria 208: jr


Word Form: hrba    Value Definition: to arise/r via ascensions/j. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: wing; feather, pinion, plumes; drake fern, eagle fern, pteris plant.   Notaricon: concepts/a developed/b by the mind/r of the enlightened/h; a powerful/a form/b capable of raising itself/r in the light/h.
Word Form: rza   Value Definition: the mind/r of covenant/j. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: to gird; to put on.   Notaricon: to be wrapped/a completely/z with beauty/nobility/r; principle/a suffuses/z the mind/r.
Word Form: hbra   Value Definition: the axe's/r work/j. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: locust; grasshopper; chimney; window; exhaust vent; dormer, dove-cote; ocular orbit.   Notaricon: a force/a that overpowers/r by the consummation/b of innumerable gifts/h; the inward/a elevation/r created/b by enlightenment/h.
Word Form: zra   Value Definition: mind/r of covenant/j. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: cedar; to pack, tie, wrap; to be firm, bundled.   Notaricon: wrapped/a with grace/r and strength/z; growth/a of beauty/r and perfection/z.
Word Form: hrab   Value Definition: the mind/r of covenant/j. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: Beerah; clarification/rab via enlightenment/h; the well/rab of enlightenment/h.   Notaricon: the formulated/b concepts/a and thoughts/r of the enlightened/h; the House/b of Principle/a arising/r in light/h.
Word Form: arz   Value Definition: fall/r from covenant/j. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: loathsome; disgusting, repulsive; loathing.   Notaricon: a wounding/z of the mind's/r principles/a; a thorough/z mental/r contraction/a.



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