Gematria 246: wmr


Word Form: hrma   Value Definition: the mind's/r messages/m are administered/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: speech; word, utterance, saying; motto; watchword; enunciation, statement; hem, fringe, selvage, bolster; border, edge.   Notaricon: a concept/a drawn from/m thought/r is isolated/highlighted/h; concepts/a flowing from/m thought/r are captured/h; to focus/a upon a derivation/m of thought/r for examination/h; a forceful/a message/m of authority/r given emphasis/h; a seed/a reflecting/m intelligent/r discrimination/h; to bind/a loose/m components/r in rows/h.
Word Form: hram   Value Definition: the mind/r loses/m balance/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: curse; imprecation, malediction, execration: releasing/m a bitter curse/rra; (biblical) a light: releasing/m luminosity/hrwa.   Notaricon: to release/m explosive/a thoughts/r that isolate/h; unrestricted/m animosity/a becomes foremost/r in life/h; the flow/m of concepts/a from the mind ruled/r by light/h.
Word Form: rwm   Value Definition: to instigate/r a loosening/m of yokes/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: to change; to exchange, convert.   Notaricon: to loosen/m and/w sever/r; to unlock/m the shackles/w of the mind/r.
Word Form: harm   Value Definition: knowledge/r released/m for examination/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: vision; revelation; appearance, sight, view; seeing; mirror; shown, exhibited, displayed.   Notaricon: a reflection/m of knowledge/r projected/a as light/h; released/m for prominent/r scrutiny/a and examination/h.
Word Form: hmar   Value Definition: to elevate/r for unrestricted/m evaluation/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: coral; a thing lifted up or arising from the depths.   Notaricon: to raise/elevate/r an item/concept/a for unfettered/m examination/h.
Word Form: mwr   Value Definition: mind/r loses/m balance/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: to rise; to be elevated; to exalt, extol; to be prideful, haughty; pride, haughtiness; height, level, elevation; vertex, altitude; rum.   Notaricon: an arising/r to hover/w with abandon/m; mental/r equilibrium/w lost/m; a leader/r is praised/w unreservedly/m.



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