Gematria 271: aur


Word Form: r ysa   Value Definition: ruler/r encloses/u an individual/a. See <n46>.
Oral Tradition: Assir; prisoner, captive.   Notaricon: captivity/a enforced/s by the action/y of a ruler/r; an individual/a required/s to pay homage/y to a king/r.
Word Form: ura   Value Definition: the mind/r understands/u its focus/a. See <n37>.
Oral Tradition: happen; to occur, befall, take place; land, earth.   Notaricon: a spark/a falls/r to the ground/u; locale/a with marked/r boundaries/u.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
