Gematria 30: l


Word Form: jyfba    Value Definition: guidance/l. See <n30>.
Oral Tradition: watermelon; pumpkin; father/ba plasters/coats/anneals/jyf..   Notaricon: an expansive/a form/b that collects/f the gifts/y of care/j; an expansive/a consciousness/b that collects/f the blessings/y of covenant/j; concepts/a added to/b the basket/f via activities/y that elevate/j.
Word Form: bwfyba   Value Definition: guidance/l. See <n30>.
Oral Tradition: Abitub; my/y father/ba is good/b wf.   Notaricon: an expansive/a consciousness/b providing/y integrations/f that unite/w the household/b; concepts/a interiorized/b to yield/y a resolution of opposites/f and balance/unify/w the soul/b.
Word Form: whyja   Value Definition: rod/l. See <n30>.
Oral Tradition: Ahiah, Ahijah; brother/companion/ja of Yah/why.   Notaricon: life force/a in agreement/j with the gifts/y of enlightened/h equity/w; a strong/a helping/j hand/y in life's/h struggles/w; the Power/a behind covenant/j bestows/y enlightened/h judgment/w.
Word Form: bzka   Value Definition: preventative/l. See <n21>.
Oral Tradition: deceptive; failing; intermittent, fitful; disappointed; to fail, let down, disappoint; to misfire; treachery; I will become/a a liar/bzk.   Notaricon: a disorderly/a perversion/k of law/words/z within the coummunity/b; pride/a overthrows/k the agenda/z of a house/b; friction/a escalates/k to reinforce/z inertia/b.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
