Gematria 51: an


Word Form: mwda    Value Definition: potential/n for expansion/a. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: Edom; Edomites; Idumea; red..   Notaricon: primary/a gateway/d that administers/w release/m; to be projected/a through the vaginal opening/d in an outpouring/w of waters/m; the life force/a path/d to judgment/mercy/w for multitudes/m.
Word Form: hmya    Value Definition: display/n of force/a. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: threaten; to menace, frighten, intimidate; terrible, dreadful, fomidable, frightening.   Notaricon: to force/a the hand/y of the people/m; a forceful/a act/manifestation/y that disturbs/troubles/m.
Word Form: lka    Value Definition: potentials/n for expansion/a. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: Ucal; to eat, consume; to devour, ingest; to take away; a meal; the eating process; to partake of.   Notaricon: concepts/a branching forth/k as guidance/l; the strength/a from fruitful/k instruction/l; principles/a made evident/k by an elder/l.
Word Form: kla    Value Definition: reversed/n expansion/a. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: these; those; those/la of your's/k.   Notaricon: base/a points/l towards branchings/k; strength/a redirected/l to an offspring/k.
Word Form: yma   Value Definition: desired/n friend/a. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: Ami; my/y mother/people/ma.   Notaricon: source/a of multitudinous/m blessings/y.
Word Form: na   Value Definition: potentiality/n narrowed/a. See <n15>.
Oral Tradition: On; where, whither.   Notaricon: concept/a in display/n; a narrowing/a of potentialities/n; an expansiona of possibilities/n.
Word Form: alk   Notaricon: reversal/n of liberty/a. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: imprison; incarcerate, arrest, detain; to shut, close; to restrain, confine, withhold, enclose; to cross, crossbreed; jail, penitentiary, prison, confinement.   Value Definition: productivity/k restrained/l and reduced/a; evident/k change/l of concepts/a.
Word Form: an   Value Definition: display/n of passion/a. See <n15>.
Oral Tradition: No; behold, please, pray; raw, under-cooked; slender; brittle.   Notaricon: display/n in focus/a; reversed/n concept/a; quick/n expansion/a; withdrawn/n heat/a.



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