Gematria 52: bn


Word Form: lfyba   Value Definition: unfolding/n consciousness/b. See <n34>.
Oral Tradition: Abital; my/y father/ba is dew/lf.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y that resolve/f and guide/l; an expansion/a of soul/b that brings/y a convergence/f of redirection and change/l; a renewed/a consciouness/b that stimulates/y and invigorates/f.
Word Form: whyla   Value Definition: potential/n of the house/b. See <n34>.
Oral Tradition: Elijah; Eliah, Elihu; God/la is Yah/why   Notaricon: a primary/a teacher/l to bring/y enlightenment/h and balance/w; the life force/a promptingl acquisition/y of discernment/h and judgment/w; forceful/a goad/l to the manifestation/y of enlightenment/h in deliberations/w.
Word Form: abjyla   Value Definition: desire/n of the house/b. See <n34>.
Oral Tradition: Eliahbah; my/y God/la is cherished/ab j; my/y God/la is secreted/ab j.   Notaricon: ardor/a spurs/l activites/y that enhance/j the interiorization/b of principle/a; the Life Force/a guides/l the hand/y in labor/j that builds/b self awareness/a.
Word Form: ana   Value Definition: desirous/n of awareness/b. See <n16>.
Oral Tradition: please; pray you; I beseech you; if you please; I.   Notaricon: to project/a a desire/n with focus/a; to focus/a prominently/n on self/a.



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