Gematria 55: h n


Word Form: ymda   Value Definition: reversal/n of enlightenment/h. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: Adami, Edomite.   Notaricon: the wide/a pathway/d of libertine/m activites/y; narrowed/a insight/d that uproots/destabilizes/m actions/y; explosive/a emotions/d and a free/m hand/y; powerful/a obstruction/d to anointed/m gifts/y.
Word Form: nda    Value Definition: purpose/n of light/h. See <n19>.
Aramaic Definitions: Addan, foundation, base, pedestal, socket; lord.   Notaricon: primary/a portal/d for potentiality/n; the base/a that facilitates/d a display/n; a force/a within the tent/d that asserts itself in many directions/n.
Word Form: dan    Value Definition: device/n for gathering/h. See <n19>.
Aramaic Definitions: bottle, leather bag; goat skin, water skin.   Notaricon: purpose/n of inward/a satisfaction/d; a device/n conceived/a around its opening/d; display/n of principled/a insight/d.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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