Gematria 65: hs


Word Form: n yda   Value Definition: strong/s highlight/h. See <n29>.
Oral Tradition: then; now; I shall/a judge/nyd.   Notaricon: a limited/a opportunity/d pointed out/y for display/n.
Word Form: yn da   Value Definition: Pillar/s of Light/h. See <n29>.
Oral Tradition: Lord; my/y lord/nda.   Notaricon: Principle's/a Door/d to potential/n manifestation/achievement/y; Base/a that facilitates/d the Son of Man's/n actions/y; Force/a within the tent/d that asserts itself in many directions/n in all activities/y.
Word Form: ymwja   Value Definition: consistent/s encouragement/h. See <n38>.
Oral Tradition: Ahumai; gregarious: his/w companion/brother/ja is whoever/anybody/ym; his/w affinity/ja is for water/mym.   Notaricon: the impulse/a to agree/j and unite/w with people/m for blessing/y.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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