Gematria 67: zs


Word Form: ndyba    Value Definition: structured/s goal/z. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: Abidan, Avidan; my/y father/ba is judge/nd.   Notaricon: a narrowing/a of consciousness/b to acquire/y insights/d regarding a display/n; principle/a develops/b the gifts/y of the heart/d in accordance with the Son of Man/n; a restriction/a of consciousness/b to promote/y an emotional/d reversal/n; concepts/a ineriorized/b to yield/y insight/d concerning potentiality/n.
Word Form: lwla    Value Definition: cycle/s complete/z. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: Elul; sixth month; vain, worthless (variant of lyla).   Notaricon: growth/a ceases/l, indicating/w change/l.
Word Form: n yz   Value Definition: to brandish/s a weapon/z. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: weapon; armament; to arm, equip; armed; to adorn; ornament; penis; fornicator, lecher, womanizer; seventh letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: an instrument/z used/y to accomplish reversal/n; carved/shaped/z by the hand/y for display/ornamentation/n; the penetrating/z ability/y of a son of man/n.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
