Gematria 76: wu


Word Form: whyn da   Value Definition: understanding/u judgment/w. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: Adonijah; the lord/nda is Yah/why.   Notaricon: force/a within the tent/d that asserts itself/n in all activities/y of life/h with balance/w; focused/a insight/d whose purpose/n is to achieve/y enlightened/h judgment/w; expansive/a emotions/heart/d unfolding/n as acts/y of discerning/h compassion/w.
Word Form: hmla   Value Definition: surrounded/u and fastened/w. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: sheaf; bundle; archway.   Notaricon: a binding/a that inhibits/l freedom/m and separates/isolates/h; concepts/a that provide direction/l for the people's/m enlightenment/h.
Word Form: lwm   Value Definition: to comprehend/u the yoke/w. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: circumcised; confronting, facing; in front of; opposite, against.   Notaricon: freed/m of the yoke/w of instruction/l; released/m from a mother's/w guidance/l; cleansed/m of judgment/w and accusation/l; the attributes/m of proximity/w and direction/l.
Word Form: halm   Value Definition: a full/u cup/w. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: fullness; plentitude; ripe produce; pregnant; tiresome, tedious, fatiguing, wearisome, boring, monotonous; a filling; gem setting.   Notaricon: a filling/m that tests/l the bursting point/a emphatically/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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