Gematria 77: zo


Word Form: mlwa   Value Definition: perceived/u goal/z. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: Ulam; meeting place; hall, parlor, vestibule; antechamber; but, however, yet, nevertheless.   Notaricon: an expanse/a that unifies/w roles/l of the people/m; a life force/a of unity/w for the guidance/l of multitudes/m; concepts/a merging as one/w to provide direction/l unto fullness/m; a focusing/a conjunction/w that redirects/l the message's flow/m.
Word Form: mwal   Value Definition: overwhelmed/u and finished/z; the circle/u is completed/z.
See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: weariness; fatigue, exhaustion; (biblical) nation, people: belonging to/l the mother/ma.   Notaricon: a change/l in strength/a and vitality/w from an emptying/m; the role/l of seed/a in the bonding/w of people/m.
Word Form: lawm   Value Definition: an understanding/u of thrust/z. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: intense desire; sudden and overpowering lust.   Notaricon: to release/m overwhelming/w energy/a in a specified direction/l; an emotional outpouring/m that drains/w the seed/a from the rod/l.
Word Form: awlm   Value Definition: cache/u completed/z. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: fullnes; plenty, plentitude, amplitude; full capacity; fill, filling, packing, stuffing; rampart, fort, fortress, citadel.   Notaricon: fullness/m prompts/requires/l either a suspension/w or an expansion/a; the nation's/m defensive/l cradle/w of power/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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