Gematria 84: dp


Word Form: lamyba   Value Definition: an open/p heart/d. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: Abimael; my/y father/ba is from/m God/la.   Notaricon: an expansive/a consciousness/b activated/y by the anointing/m of United/a Order/l; the Life Force/a develops/b the gift/y of reflected/m principles/a in life's roles/l.
Word Form: pga   Value Definition: side/p chamber/d. See <n21>.
Oral Tradition: wing; flank; department; to flank, outflank; to shut, close, stop up; outflanked.   Notaricon: the power/a to lift/g the soul/p; an extensive/a facility/g at the side/p; the ability/power/a to swallow up/g an expression/manifestation/personality/p.
Word Form: hmlja   Value Definition: appears/p to shine/d. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: amethyst; dreamstone; I will become/a her/h dream/mlj.   Notaricon: a compacted/a mass/j whose role/function/l is the reflection/m of light/h.



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