Gematria & Numerology 9: f


Word Form: dda   Value Definition: divisiveness/f.
Oral Tradition: Hadad.   Notaricon: limited/a examination/d of the heart/emotions/d; to restrict/a access/d to refuge/d; ability/willingness/a to block/d a path/d.
Word Form: bwa   Value Definition: to circumscribe/f.
Oral Tradition: sorcery; magic, necromancy; skin, leather bag.   Notaricon: the power/a to bond/w with forms/b; the principle/a of a funneling/w receptacle/b.
Word Form: aza   Value Definition: interchange/f.
Oral Tradition: to heat; to kindle, enflame.   Notaricon: friction/a resulting/z in heat/a; concepts/a penetrated/z by principle/a.
Word Form: ja   Value Definition: a known measurement/f; community/f.
Oral Tradition: brother; confederate; comrade, kinsman, friend.   Notaricon: a strength/a of help/j; seed/a of sharing/j.
Word Form: awb   Value Definition: resolution/f.
Oral Tradition: go; come, arrive, enter, reach; happen, come to pass.   Notaricon: formb unites/w with concept/a; the body/b merges/w with the destination/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
