Gematria 91: ax


Word Form: nlya    Value Definition: righteous/x seed/a. See <n37>.
Oral Tradition: Elon; oak tree.   Notaricon: an expansive/a manifestation/y that is instructive/l of potentiality/n; seed/a planted/y under the direction/l of the Son of Man/n.
Word Form: nyla    Value Definition: to turn/x the focus/a. See <n37>.
Oral Tradition: the; these.   Notaricon: to fix upon/a by guiding/l the hand/y with purpose/n.
Word Form: ynla   Value Definition: pious/x champion/a. See <n37>.
Oral Tradition: Elonites.   Notaricon: the ability/a to lead/l is displayed/n in actions/y.
Word Form: nma   Value Definition: transformational/x focus/a. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: amen; so be it, surely, truly; faith, confidence, trust, fidelity; faithfulness, loyalty; artist, master craftsman, expert; skilled.   Notaricon: meditation/a reflects/m desire/n; principles/a mirrored/m in purpose/n; intense/a preference/m for a son of man/n; ability/a reflects/m potential/n.
Word Form: dwpa   Value Definition: transforming/x focus/a. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: ephod; covering, vest; idol; girded, encircled   Notaricon: to bind/a the soul/p with adoration/w and fervor/d; to focus/a upon a fruitful/p evaluation/w of insights/d; a focus/a on personalities/p that proliferates/w obstacles/d.
Word Form: nam   Value Definition: correction/x of focus/a. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: to refuse; to decline, be unwilling; to repudiate; who, what, which.   Notaricon: uncategorical/m focus/a is displayed/n; swift/m decision/a to decline/backtrack/n; to invoke/m and identify/a a son of man/n.
Word Form: anm   Value Definition: just/x increase/a. See <n28>.
Oral Tradition: portion; part, lot; whence, from where.   Notaricon: reflection/m of a person's/n focus/a; invocative/m and purposeful/n focus/a.
Word Form: a x    Value Definition: overthrow/x and disorder/a. See <n19>.
Oral Tradition: fouled; soiled, filthy; go, get out.   Notaricon: a devastating/x diminishment/a; an issuing/x that humiliates/a; turn/x forcefully/a.



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