Numerology Value 14: dy


Word Form: kba    Value Definition: provision/y of pathways/d. See <g23>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: to mount; to rise, spiral upwards, roll up; haziness, haze; to billow upwards.   Notaricon: an expansion/a that builds/b and spreads/k; the life force/a in the body/b extending itself/k.
Word Form: dfa   Value Definition: grabbing/snaring/y obstacle/d. See <g14>.
Reduction = 5/h/isolation.
Oral Tradition: bramble; thorn bush.   Notaricon: a growth/a that restrains/f access/d; protrusions/concepts/a that inhibit/f examination/d.
Word Form: ala   Value Definition: grasping/y opportunity/d. See <g32>.
Reduction = 5/h/choices.
Oral Tradition: Elah; I shall become/a God/la.   Notaricon: principle/a guides/l concepts/a; champion/a of a mature/l focus/a; self-centeredness/a that encourages/l pride/a.
Word Form: ma   Value Definition: blessed/y tent/d. See <g41>.
Reduction = 5/h/proliferation.
Oral Tradition: mother; matriarch, ancestress; womb; city, metropolis; benefactress; people; matrix, stereotype.   Notaricon: the source/a of multitudes/m; the seed's/a sea/m; an explosion/a of people/m; principle/a reflection/m.
Word Form: akb    Value Definition: active/y heart/d. See <g23>.
Reduction = 5/h/radiation.
Oral Tradition: mourning; weeping; mulberry.   Notaricon: a form/b with productive/k seeds/a; manifestation/b with evident/k concepts/a; a soul/b clearly/k diminished/a.
Word Form: bak    Value Definition: hand/y on the heart/d. See <g23>.
Reduction = 5/h/winnowing.
Oral Tradition: to hurt; to cause pain.   Notaricon: a branch/k of thorns/a upon the body/b; to promote/k a diminished/a consciousness/b.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
