Numerology Value 20: k


Word Form: labda    Value Definition: doctrine/k. See <g38>.
Reduction = 2/b/establishmentarianism.
Oral Tradition: Abdeel; to grieve/bda God/la.   Notaricon: to restrict/a the opportunity/d to interiorize/b concepts/a from instruction/l; to limit/a insightful/d development/b through narrow/a teachings/l.
Word Form: lawa   Value Definition: fruitfulness/k. See <g38>.
Reduction = 2/b/to embrace.
Oral Tradition: Uel; to grieve/bda God/la.   Notaricon: an expansive/a bonding/w with the Primal/a Cause/l; the life force/a bonded/w with the concepts/principles/a of instruction/l.
Word Form: ybza   Value Definition: restructuring/k. See <g20>.
Reduction = 2/b/formation.
Oral Tradition: Ezbai; hyssop-like.   Notaricon: inspiration/a that results/z in the soul's/b stimulation/y; concepts/a that permeate and perfect/z consciousness/b and actions/y.
Word Form: lza   Value Definition: overextension/k. See <g38>.
Reduction = 2/b/an empty shell.
Oral Tradition: exhausted; depleted, used up; to go away/out; to fail, cease; to run short/out; to be sold out; out of.   Notaricon: a diminishment/a that cuts off/z the course of events/l.
Word Form: hwja   Value Definition: persuasion/k. See <g20>.
Reduction = 2/b/awareness.
Oral Tradition: utterance; declaration, explanation; fraternity, brotherhood, guild; comradship.   Notaricon: an introspective/a exchange/j that resolves/w and enlightens/h; a powerful/a affinity/j that bonds/w and isolates/h.
Word Form: hna   Value Definition: upheaval/k. See <g56>.
Reduction = 2/b/awareness.
Oral Tradition: to lament; to mourn, bewail, sigh; to cause, bring about; to happen, befall; to deceive; where, whither; lobe   Notaricon: powerful/a display/n of weeping/h; to ignite/a a potentiality/n in life/h; to limit/a or reverse/n discernment/h; to focus/a upon possible/n choices/h.
Word Form: pg    Value Definition: branch/k. See <g83>.
Reduction = 2/b/form/body.
Oral Tradition: wing; flight; arm, hand; back, body, person; handle, rim.   Notaricon: a lifting/g extremity/p; vehicle/g for the soul/personality/p; to carry/g by an edge/lip/handle/p.
Word Form: ywd   Value Definition: (limited) productivity/k. See <g20>.
Reduction = 2/b/interior.
Oral Tradition: sickness; illness; sorrow, distress; faint, sick, ill.   Notaricon: an emotional/d outpouring/w is triggered/y; perceptions/d impaired/contracted/w by actions/y; an impediment/d to balanced/w activity/y.
Word Form: wyd   Value Definition: a covering/k. See <g20>.
Reduction = 2/b/formulation.
Oral Tradition: ink.   Notaricon: perception/d inscribed/y for evaluation/w; opportunity/d provided/y for consideration/w; a point/d that produces/y an outpouring/w.
Word Form: dwy   Value Definition: offspring/k. See <g20>.
Reduction = 2/b/developments.
Oral Tradition: Yod; expediency; tenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet; iodine.   Notaricon: action/y joined/w to perception/d; the hand/y clasps/w the gate/d; activities/y adjusted/w to opportunity/d.
Word Form: han   Value Definition: fruitful/k. See <g56>.
Reduction = 2/b/agreeable habitat.
Oral Tradition: to befit; to suit, become; to be beautiful; to adorn, beautify, embellish, decorate; ornament; beautiful, comely, handsome; fine, becoming, fitting, befitting, suitable; dwelling, habitation; pasture, meadow; natural beauty spot.   Notaricon: displaying/n a fixed/a affiliation/h; a display/n that projects/a life/h; a desirable/n area/a for living/h; a spread out/n area/a for living/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
