Numerology Value 25: hk


Word Form: awhyba    Value Definition: branchings/evidence/k of Light/h. See <g25>.
Reduction = 7/z/the will.
Oral Tradition: Abihu; my/y father/ba is he/awh.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b that provides/y enlightened/h judgment/w of concepts/a; principle/a develops/b acquired/y illumination/h through the evaluation/w of concepts/a.
Word Form: tba    Value Definition: doctrines/k given distinction/h. See <g403>.
Reduction = 7/z/words.
Oral Tradition: Oboth; bottles, water skins, leathern bags; I will be/a a house/daughter/tb; sorceries, necromancies; sire/ba of a perpetuality/t.   Notaricon: units/a that house/b composites/t; principles/a interiorized/b for measurement/t; a concept/a held in association with/b the sum of all things/t; the power/a to embrace/b a continuum/t.
Word Form: arga    Value Definition: fruitfulness/k of the rake/h. See <g205>.
Reduction = 7/z/the blade.
Oral Tradition: pay; fee, reward; I will/a harvest/collect/rga.   Notaricon: the power/ability/a to deposit/pocket/g a significant portion/r of a harvest/a; a concept/a vocalized/g with authority/r and power/a.
Word Form: nwda    Value Definition: fruitful/k light/h. See <g61>.
Reduction = 7/z/warrior.
Oral Tradition: Addon; lord, master, commander, ruler, possessor, proprietor, owner; Mister, sir.   Notaricon: a principled/a heart/d embraces/w its potential/n; a powerful force/a for security/d administers/w with determination/n.
Word Form: rda   Value Definition: garment/k of light/h. See <g205>.
Reduction = 7/z/perfection.
Oral Tradition: garment; Addar; mantle; magnificence, splendor; to be glorious, mighty, exalted; pleura; maple; animal hide; Adar (twelfth month).   Notaricon: the concepts/a and insights/d of the mind/r; a humble/a heart/d and mind/r; the central being/a shines/d with nobility/r; an expansive/a emotional/d elevation/r.
Word Form: xwa   Value Definition: to simplify/amalgamate/k options/h. See <g97>.
Reduction = 7/z/to push.
Oral Tradition: hasten; to hurry, press; haste.   Notaricon: force/a linked/w to transformation/x; intervention/a that's an outpouring/w of aggression/x.
Word Form: nbja   Value Definition: persuasive/k encouragement/h. See <g61>.
Reduction = 7/z/warrior.
Oral Tradition: Ahban; a friend/ja that understands/nyb; a brother/ja and son/nb.   Notaricon: a focused/a relationship/j develops/b potential/n; the power/a of exchanges/j built/b upon determination/n.
Word Form: wyja   Value Definition: extension/k of aura/h. See <g25>.
Reduction = 7/z/completion.
Oral Tradition: Abio; brotherly.   Notaricon: a life force/a in agreement/j that brings/y balance/w; a strong/a helping/j hand/y to uphold/w.
Word Form: n ya   Value Definition: hollow/k and diffuse/h. See <g61>.
Reduction = 7/z/subsidance.
Oral Tradition: nothing; naught; not, no, else; there is not, there is no.   Notaricon: focus/a brings/y reversal/n; introspection/a yields/y denial/n.
Word Form: yna   Value Definition: hollow tree/k for the living/h. See <g61>.
Reduction = 7/z/carved out.
Oral Tradition: me; I, myself, mine; we; ship, fleet, navy; mourning.   Notaricon: the ego/a prominently/n presented/y; a restricted area/a for multidirectional/n access/y; contrition/a displayed/n with feeling/y.
Word Form: awpa   Value Definition: branch/k highlighted/h. See <g88>.
Reduction = 7/z/marked/specified.
Oral Tradition: now; then; here; where; I shall be/a here/awp.   Notaricon: a specific/a area/p held/w in focus/a; a specific/a region/time frame/p fixed upon/specified/w with emphasis/a.
Word Form: dra   Value Definition: garment/k of light/h. See <g205>.
Reduction = 7/z/weapon.
Oral Tradition: Ard; bronze.   Notaricon: the power/a of an axe/r to gain access/d; the inward/a thought/r shines/d; principle/a rules/r the heart/d.
Word Form: lm   Value Definition: rejoicing/k in the light/h. See <g70>.
Reduction = 7/z/completed.
Oral Tradition: to be completed; to be full, confirmed.   Notaricon: filled/m and tested/l; anointed/m as an elder/l.
Word Form: dwan    Value Definition: covering/k that gathers/h. See <g61>.
Reduction = 7/z/instrument.
Oral Tradition: bottle; leather bag; goat skin, water skin.   Notaricon: a device/n based/a on a funneled/w opening/d.
Word Form: hb x   Value Definition: evident/k proliferation/h. See <g97>.
Reduction = 7/z/shape.
Oral Tradition: Zoba, Zobah; to swell, distend, puff up; to wish; swollen, distended, engorged.   Notaricon: an attempt/x to inhibit/b individualism/h; the defense/x of superficial/b discrimination/h; change/x in which exteriors/b are given emphasis/h; a transformation/x in which the body/flesh/b proliferates/h; to pursue/x an image/b in/of life/h.
Word Form: aw x   Value Definition: a conspicuous/k leak/h. See <g97>.
Reduction = 7/z/ejaculation.
Oral Tradition: filthy; soiled.   Notaricon: devastated/x and/w diminished/a; an issuing/x linked/w with humiliation/a.
Word Form: bat   Value Definition: a covering/k aura/h. See <g403>.
Reduction = 7/z/penetrated.
Oral Tradition: to crave; to desire, long for; to be eager; to abhor, detest, loathe, abominate, hate; desire, lust, longing.   Notaricon: unlimited/t expansion/a of what's inside/b; sign/t of diminished/a consciousness/b; alteration/t of ideas/a and formulations/b.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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