Numerology Value 33: gl


Word Form: udyba    Value Definition: instructional/l process/g. See <g87>.
Reduction = 6/w/evaluations.
Oral Tradition: Abida, Abidah; father/ba knows/udy.   Notaricon: Principle/a hears/b the manifestations/y of the heart/d and understands/u; life force/a that formulates/b the gifts/y of insight/d and understanding/u.
Word Form: nwyba    Value Definition: instruction/l channel/g. See <g69>.
Reduction =
6/w/the outpouring.
Oral Tradition: poor; humble; beggar; destituted; miserable, needy.   Notaricon: a beginning/a state of development/b that promotes/y mercy/w in all dimensions of life/n; an initial/a consciousness/b that obtains/y mercy/w in many contexts/n; a diminished/a household/b to stimulate/y an outpouring/w of potentiality/n; conceptsa interiorized/b to bring/y judgment/w and reversal/n.
Word Form: bdnyba    Value Definition: supportive/l processes/g. See <g69>.
Reduction = 6/w/an outpouring.
Oral Tradition: Abinadab; my/y father/ba donates/bdn.   Notaricon: an expansive/a soul/b supplies/y the desires/n of the heart/d through acceptance/b; life force/a that formulates/b gifts/y from potentiality/n for the altar/d within/b.
Word Form: ryba    Value Definition: rod/l carrier/g. See <g213>.
Reduction = 6/w/judgment.
Oral Tradition: strong; mighty, valiant, courageous; violent; a stallion, bull; gallant, noble, cavalier; a knight.   Notaricon: a powerful/a body/b that confers/y authority/r; the expansive/a consciousness/b belonging/y to a king/r; Principle/a develops/b the gifts/y of the mind/r; principles/a interiorized/b bring/y nobility/r.
Word Form: twda   Value Definition: direction/l within process/g. See <g411>.
Reduction = 6/w/evaluation.
Oral Tradition: circumstance; cause, occasion; the turning of events; firebrands.   Notaricon: the life force/a finds opportunity/d to merge/w with a continuum/t; projecting strong/a emotions/d while embracing/w a measurement/continuum/t.
Word Form: yjwja   Value Definition: encouragement/l and facilitation/g. See <g33>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ahohite.   Notaricon: a powerful/a affinity/j that bonds/w equals/j for action/y.
Word Form: mayja   Value Definition: role/l facilitator/g. See <g60>.
Reduction = 6/w/bonded.
Oral Tradition: Ahiam; uncle; brother/ja of my/y mother/ma; my/y companion's/ja mother/people/ma.   Notaricon: a close/a relationship/j that shares/y the explosion/a of humanity/m.
Word Form: nyja   Value Definition: change of directions/l at birth/g. See <g69>.
Reduction = 6/w/womb.
Oral Tradition: Ahian; nephew; my/y brother's/ja potentiality/n.   Notaricon: close/a relationship/j with shared/y purposes/n.
Word Form: hp ya    Value Definition: guided/l process/g. See <g96>.
Reduction = 6/w/a weighing.
Oral Tradition: ephah; measurement for the grain offering; when, where, how.   Notaricon: concepts/a presented/y as expressions/p of illumination/h; a disciplined/a hand/y to open/p and separate/h; grain/a offered/y for the appearance/satisfaction/p of Light/h.
Word Form: nwla    Value Definition: teaching/l conduit/g. See <g87>.
Reduction =
6/w/an overarching unity.
Oral Tradition: Allon; oak. Notaricon: concept/a that leads/l to an outpouring/w of potentiality/n; an expansive/a elder/l who cherishes/w the Son of Man/n.
Word Form: dula   Value Definition: instruction/l process/g. See <g105>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Elead; God/la has testified/du; God/la is witness/du; God/la of eternity/du; not/la until/du.   Notaricon: focused/a instruction/l that overwhelms/u emotions/d; the Life Force/Principle/a prompts/l comprehensive/u insight/d; restriction/a spurs/l qualification/u of an opportunity/d.
Word Form: hnma    Value Definition: maturity/l in inclination/g. See <g96>.
Reduction = 6/w/justice.
Oral Tradition: trust; faith, credit; covenant, pact, treaty, convention; pilaster, pillar, column, post; truly, in truth; education.   Notaricon: confidence/a without restriction/m is exchanged/n with regards to distributions/collections/h; a companion/a chosen/m for his display/n of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: kwsa   Value Definition: role/l of conveyance/g. See <g87>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: oil flask; oilcan, pot of oil; oiler, lubricator.   Notaricon: conceptual/a framework/s that yields/w teachings/k.
Word Form: psa    Value Definition: role/l of transportation/g. See <g141>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Asaph; to gather, collect, take in, assimilate; to take under protection; to withdraw, remove, take away; to be gathered; collection, gathering.   Notaricon: to collect/a and shelter/s fruit/p; to reduce/a by spreading out/s or disbursing/p; collection/a of wandering/s souls/p.
Word Form: spa   Value Definition: inhibition/l process/g. See <g141>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to cease; to end, disappear; to be exhausted; to zero, nullify, annihilate; zero, naught; end; but, only, notwithstanding, however; ankle.   Notaricon: to limit/a or restrict/p progress/s; to shut down/a and end/p a cycle/s; physical vitality/a devoured/p by overextension/s; idea/a appears/p ragged/s; area/a at an extremity/p that supports/s.
Word Form: ybra   Value Definition: role/l of vengeance/g. See <g213>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Arbite; Arabian; ambushers.   Notaricon: diminished/a responsibility/r of a form/conscioiusness/b within activities/y; to impair/a mental/r awareness/b during activities/y; the blow/a of an axe/r upon the house/body/b incites/y; the ability/a of the mind/r to interiorize/b action/y.
Word Form: hzra   Value Definition: guided/l by the birth process/g. See <g213>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: cedar panel; plank made of cedar.   Notaricon: wrapped/a with grace/r and strength/z via enlightenment/h; growing/a beauty/r and perfection/z in life/h.
Word Form: akra   Value Definition: encourages/l the birth process/g. See <g222>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: prolonged, lengthened; I shall be/a prolonged/kra.   Notaricon: the ability/a of the mind/r to simplify/k concepts/a; the ability/a to rise above/r disorder/k via principle/a.
Word Form: kca   Value Definition: directs/l birth/g. See <g321>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: testicle; stone.   Notaricon: the primary/a engine/c of productivity/k.
Word Form: yta   Value Definition: redirective/l vocalization/g. See <g411>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ittai, Ithai; you; ethical.   Notaricon: an individual/a deprived/t of activity/y; to analyze/a a specific/t activity/performance/y.
Word Form: kph   Value Definition: reversal/l process/g. See <g105>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to turn, turn over/about/into/back; to invert; to change, overthrow, overturn; to convert; to destroy, upset; to be turned, changed; contrary, reverse, opposite, opposed.   Notaricon: to single out/h a soul/expression/p for upheaval/k; to discredit/h an utterance/p or doctrine/k.
Word Form: hpk   Value Definition: to reverse/l a vocalization/g. See <g105>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: to force, bend, compel, coerce; to press, overturn; to throw over/off; to invert; a vault, dome; cap, skullcap; top of palm tree; prison.   Notaricon: to bend/coerce/k a soul/p emphatically/h; a curved/k edge/face/p that lets in light/h; to upend/overthrow/k an expression/saying/p of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: rm   Value Definition: punishing/l entanglement/g. See <g240>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: bitter; embittered, sad; bitterly; cruel; sir, mister; drop; hoe; myrrh.   Notaricon: disturbed/m mind/r; water/m that falls/r; to loosen/m and sever/r; the dew/m of thought/r.
Word Form: hkp   Value Definition: reversal/l process/g. See <g105>.
Reduction =
6/w/an outpouring.
Oral Tradition: flow; bubble, drip, gush, pour.   Notaricon: a container/p upended/k for dispersal/h.
Word Form: mr   Value Definition: the influence/l of a hill/g. See <g240>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: high; lofty, eminent, supreme; haughty, proud; the Most High; heaven, height; pyramid; (biblical) buffalo, wild bull, unicorn.   Notaricon: a mountain/r in the wilderness/m; the mind/r of the anointed/m; beauty's/r mirror/m.
Word Form: wht   Value Definition: instruction/l process/g. See <g411>.
Reduction = 6/w/equilibrium.
Oral Tradition: formlessness; desolation, emptiness; waste; vanity; nothingness.   Notaricon: sign/t of life/h in the cradle/w; a composite/t of life/h held in abeyance/w; the measurement/t of separated/h bonds/w.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
