Numerology Value 44: dm


Word Form: ycyba    Value Definition: the release/m of insight/d. See <g323>.
Reduction = 8/j/visions.
Oral Tradition: Abshai; my/y father/ba is a gift/yc.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b the gifts/y that wisdom/c distributes/y; concepts/a interiorized/b to provide/y utilization/c of attainments/y; life force/a within/b gives/y strength/c for action/y.
Word Form: rpwa    Value Definition: waves/m of opportunities/d. See <g287>.
Reduction = 8/j/a broadening of horizons.
Oral Tradition: Ophir.   Notaricon: principles/a outpour/w expressions/p of knowledge/r; concepts/a cradled/w in expressions/p of thought/r.
Word Form: hrkza   Value Definition: to invoke/m an insight/d. See <g233>.
Reduction = 8/j/relationship.
Oral Tradition: remembrance; memorial, mention; commemoration; memorial prayer/offering; allusion to the Divine Name/hwhy.   Notaricon: a focus/a made complete/z by conspicuous/k elevation/r in the light/h.
Word Form: ryma   Value Definition: freedom/m portal/d. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/the ladder.
Oral Tradition: summit; treetop, apex.   Notaricon: area/a freed/m by achieving/y elevation/r.
Word Form: yrma   Value Definition: superficial/m insights/d. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/anxiety.
Oral Tradition: Amorite; Imri; words, utterances.   Notaricon: a vigorous/a people/m governed/r by the senses/y; the life force/a mirrored/m in intellectual/r activity/y; to instigate/a a release/m of mental/r activity/y.
Word Form: hdu xa   Value Definition: coil/m with points/d. See <g170>.
Reduction = 8/j/border.
Oral Tradition: bracelet; chain, circlet.   Notaricon: a wrapping/a that traces/x a circle/u with points/d that sparkle/h.
Word Form: lyara   Value Definition: mirror/m of the heart/d. See <g242>.
Reduction = 8/j/covenant.
Oral Tradition: altar.   Notaricon: locale/a in the mind/r that projects/a blessings/y and guidance/l; the ability/a to master/r concepts/a given/y through instruction/l.
Word Form: ylara   Value Definition: mirror/m of the heart/d. See <g242>.
Reduction = 8/j/tumult.
Oral Tradition: Areli, Arelites; angelic, heroic.   Notaricon: emanations/a of mental/r energies/a that influence/l performance/y; the ability/a to master/r physical vitality/a and to guide/l events/y.
Word Form: hubra   Value Definition: reflections/m of four/d. See <g278>.
Reduction = 8/j/courtyard.
Oral Tradition: four.   Notaricon: calculating/a observation/r of a building's/b boundaries/u in separation/h; ability/a to master/r the flesh/b through understanding/u life/h.
Word Form: nwgra   Value Definition: unrestricted/m emotion/d. See <g260>.
Reduction = 8/j/affinity.
Oral Tradition: purple; organization, organizing; argon.   Notaricon: focused/a knowledge/r that facilitates/g an evaluation/w of potentials/n; powerful/a beauty/r that exceeds/g longing/w and desire/n; the ability/a to regulate/r procedures/g and/w artifacts/n.
Word Form: layra   Value Definition: anointed/m heart/d. See <g242>.
Reduction = 8/j/service.
Oral Tradition: Ariel; lion/yra of God/la; brave, heroic.   Notaricon: forceful/a individual/r who provides/y concepts/a of instruction/l; the ability/a to master/r performance/y of strenuous/a roles/l.
Word Form: ymra   Value Definition: withdrawn/m opportunities/d. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/strife.
Oral Tradition: Syrian; Aramaean, Aramite, Aramitess.   force/a that rules/r the nations/people/m as a possession/y; masterful/a persuasion/r of the masses/m through incitement/y; power/a that rules/asserts itself/r via confusion/m according to expedience/y.
Word Form: hywca   Value Definition: anointed/m shepherds/d. See <g322>.
Reduction = 8/j/rejoicing.
Oral Tradition: foundation; their/w flame/torch/ac is Yah/hy.   Notaricon: the principles/a of wisdom/c rule/r and bring/y enlightenment/h; focused/a spiritual/c minds/r that share/y enlighenment/h.
Word Form: hpca   Value Definition: troubling/m obstacle/d. See <g386>.
Reduction = 8/j/amassing.
Oral Tradition: dung, dirt; waste, refuse, rubbish, trash, garbage; quiver; fiery/ca mouth/hp.   Notaricon: concentrated/a deadness/c that inhibits/p life/h.
Word Form: ayrm   Value Definition: fullness/m pervades/d. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/accomplishment.
Oral Tradition: fatted ox; fatling; animal ready for slaughter.   Notaricon: fullness/m peak/r attained/y by the ox/a.
Word Form: hrwm   Value Definition: message/m of the arrowhead/d. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/strife.
Oral Tradition: Moreh; archer, shooter; teacher, master, instructor, educator, tutor; early rain; rebellious, mutinous; rebel; razor; fear.   Notaricon: a release/m connected/w to an elevatedr showering/h; to release messages/m that balance/w the mind/r with illumination/h; an unfettered/m outpouring/w of thought/r that isolates/h; to unleash/m the hovering/w blade/r that separates/h.
Word Form: myar   Value Definition: unrestricted/m access/d. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/confrontation.
Oral Tradition: to interview; to interrogate (lifting or pinioning the subject, as with horns); buffalo, wild bull, unicorn (biblical).   Notaricon: the beauty/r of the oxen's/a activities/y in the wild/m; to be lifted/r, as by the powerful/a properties/y of water/m.
Word Form: hmwr   Value Definition: reflection/m obstacle/d. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/to climb.
Oral Tradition: Rumah; haughtily, proudly; erect, upright; pride, haughtiness   Notaricon: an arising/r linked/w to abandonment/m and separation/h; mental/r equilibrium/w lost/m emphatically/h; elevated/r and/w fully/m distinguished/h.


Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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