Numerology Value 50: n


Word Form: layrwa   Value Definition: the son of man/n. See <g248>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Uriel; my/y light/rwa is God/la.   Notaricon: principle/a bonding/w with thought/r to provide/y concepts/a of instruction/l; emanation/a that sustains/w an intellectual/r acquisition/y of concepts/a of instruction/l; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w mental/r activity/y with focused/a maturity/l.
Word Form: myrwa   Value Definition: jubilee/n. See <g257>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Urim; lights, radiances, brightnesses.   Notaricon: principle/a bonds/w with thought/r to yield/y messages/m; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w the mind's/r acquisitions and gifts/y from the anointing/m; emanation/a that sustains/w the mind/r in the blessings/y of freedom/m.
Word Form: myqza   Value Definition: restriction/n. See <g158>.
Reduction = 5/h/isolation.
Oral Tradition: chains; manacles, fetters, handcuffs.   Notaricon: to bind/a and utterly/z control/q the hands'/y freedom of movement/m.
Word Form: uwrza    Value Definition: flexibility/n. See <g284>.
Reduction = 5/h/options.
Oral Tradition: arm; foreleg; I shall be/a an arm/force/tributary/uwrz.   Notaricon: the power/abilitiy/a to thrust/z from the shoulder/r and/w to surround/u.
Word Form: yj cya   Value Definition: prominent/n. See <g329>.
Reduction = 5/h/highlighted.
Oral Tradition: brave man; valiant man; lively/yj man/cya.   Notaricon: power/a and stamina/y to excite/c confederates/j to action/y; person/a who lends/y strength/c when aiding/j in an activity/y.
Word Form: pcka   Value Definition: methodology/n. See <g401>.
Reduction = 5/h/sifting.
Oral Tradition: Achshaph; I shall become/a a sorcerer/pck.   Notaricon: focused/a inversions/k to stimulate/c utterances/p.
Word Form: htyla   Value Definition: vow/n. See <g446>.
Reduction = 5/h/choice.
Oral Tradition: Eliathah; myy God/la is You/hta; my/y God/la comes/twa; myy God/la consents/twa.   Notaricon: Principle's/a role/l in bringing/y regeneration/t through enlightenment/h; the Life Force/a prompts/l acquisition/y of precise/t discernment/h.
Word Form: ynmla   Value Definition: prominence/n. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/highlighted.
Oral Tradition: such and such; such a one; these/la of destiny/ynm.   Notaricon: focus/a pointing/l to people/m prominently/n manifested/y.
Word Form: ymwra   Value Definition: loss/n. See <g257>.
Reduction = 5/h/diffusion.
Oral Tradition: Edomite; thought to be a clerical error.   Notaricon: vital/a intellect/r shackled/w by reckless/m acquisitions/y; friction/a overrides/r the balancing/w of reflections/m and actions/y; life force/a threatened/r by bonds/w to superficial/m acquisitions/y.
Word Form: hynra   Value Definition: the Son of Man/n. See <g266>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Araunah; contentious/nra with Yah/hy.   Notaricon: a principled/a mind/r that extracts/n blessings/y from enightenment/h.
Word Form: frra   Value Definition: prostration/n. See <g410>.
Reduction = 5/h/praise.
Oral Tradition: Ararat; refuge/f for the accursed/rra.   Notaricon: identifying/a the highest/r peak/r as a target/f; contrition/a is uppermost/r in the thoughts/r of the community/f.
Word Form: hncy   Value Definition: potentiality/n. See <g365>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Jeshanah; senility, oldness; the gifts/y of sleep/hnc.   Notaricon: the blessing/y of dreams/c whose purpose/n is enlightenment/h; a gift/y of wisdom/c that unfolds/n as enlightenment/h; stamina/y and strength/c decline/n in life/h.
Word Form: hycn   Value Definition: loss/n. See <g365>.
Reduction = 5/h/separation.
Oral Tradition: forgetfulness; oblivion, limbo.   Notaricon: a reduction/n in wisdom/c that deplenishes/y life/h.
Word Form: nanc   Value Definition: device/n. See <g401>.
Reduction = 5/h/light.
Oral Tradition: angel; thousand.   Notaricon: a winged creatre/c designed/n to intervene/a for a purpose/n; wisdom/c unfolds/n an emanation/a with purpose/n.
Word Form: rwbt   Value Definition: determination/n. See <g608>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Tabor.   Notaricon: an alteration/t that develops/b balance/w within the mind/r.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
