Numerology Value 70: o


Word Form: qdx yn da   Value Definition: understanding/u. See <g259>.
Reduction = 7/z/righteousness.
Oral Tradition: Adonizedek; my/y lord/n da is righteous/just/qdx.   Notaricon: force/a within the mishkan/tent/d whose purpose/n is to instigate/y transformation/x via the heart's/d purification/q; focused/a insightsd unfold/n in actions/y that uplift/x the heart/d in holiness/q.
Word Form: lptyja   Value Definition: arrogance/u. See <g529>.
Reduction = 7/z/opposition.
Oral Tradition: Ahithophel; my/y companion/ja is folly/lpt; myy brother/ja is a quagmire/lpt.   Notaricon: concepts/a arise/j to bring/y alterations/t to the sayings/p of the teacher/l.
Word Form: myntya   Value Definition: equanimity/u. See <g511>.
Reduction = 7/z/perfection.
Oral Tradition: Ethanim; strong ones.   Notaricon: a strong/a hand/y and measured/t determination/n acts/y on behalf of the people/m; the ability/a to perform/y in a precise/t method/n and to act/y quickly/m.
Word Form: fpcyla   Value Definition: understanding/u. See <g430>.
Reduction = 7/z/deliverance.
Oral Tradition: Elishaphat; my/y God/la judges/rules/fpc.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l my/y spirit/c with utterances/p that resolve/f.
Word Form: ytrpa   Value Definition: penetrating vision/u. See <g691>.
Reduction = 7/z/healing.
Oral Tradition: Ephraimite; Ehprathite.   Notaricon: the ability/a to open/p the mind/r to regenerative/t gifts/y; motes/a that blow/p and sail/r in continual/t activity/y; seed/a that disseminates/p knowledge/r that regenerates/t and blesses/y.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
