Numerology Value 77: zu


Word Form: kdrm lywa    Value Definition: overwhelming/u antagonism/z. See <g311>.
Reduction = 5/h: exacerbation.
Oral Tradition: a drunkard/lywa who is abusive/domineering/arm when afflicted/kd.   Notaricon: diminished/a equilibrium/judgment/w in actions/y and roles/l results/m in domination/r and emotional/d upheaval/k.
Word Form: tcb cya   Value Definition: overwhelming/u antagonism/z. See <g1013>.
Reduction = 5/h: exacerbation.
Oral Tradition: Ish-bosheth; shame; husband/cya of/b a buttox/tc.   Notaricon: seed/a who brings/y disruption/c to the house/b through spiritual/c opposition/t; friction/a kindles/y a fire/c within/b wisdom's/c measurement/t.
Word Form: twyrzka   Value Definition: hateful/u words/z. See <g644>.
Reduction = 5/h: divisiveness.
Oral Tradition: cruel; merciless, harsh, terrible; destructive, deadly; savage, brutal, relentless; plural of/tw my/y cruelty/rzka.   Notaricon: animosity/a that undermines/k words/z of knowledge/r intentionally/y and/w unendingly/t; focused/a perversity/k that abuses/z the mind/r by inciting/y intense/w altercation/t; the force/a of pitchfork/k, sword/z, and axe/r is wielded/y intensely/w and without limits/t.
Word Form: ylatca   Value Definition: ovberwhelming/u curses/z. See <g742>.
Reduction = 5/h: divisiveness.
Oral Tradition: Eshtaulites; the burning/ca of my/y imprecation/ curse/hlat.   Notaricon: an individual/a who belittles/c or alters/t the concepts/ideas/a that an instructor/elder/l presents/y; the intensly/a decimating/c characteristic/t of an abraisive/a tongue's/l activity/y.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
