bdnymo     Amminadab     עמינדב

Students o of Wisdom's attributes m are motivated y by a desire n to penetrate d secrets b, understanding o that attributes of Wisdom m display y the hidden things of divinity n. Observant d souls b, they study o the fluid m design y of nature n, and their hearts d embrace b their understandings o. Uninhibited m, they’re eager to share y with others n the cherished perceptions their hearts d have embraced b.

Gematria 176 woq:
As their minds q comprehend o truths w,

Numerology 59  fn  >  41  am  >
dy  >  5 h:
they project n an equanimity f that is both supple m and powerful a. They will be able to utilize Y their perceptions d for healing h

Targum: when they tutor o others m who are ready y to take in n their reports of what they have seen d and

Stepping Stones
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