dbwo     Obed    עובד

The curtains that once masked o the Kingdom of Heaven were flung wide open w, so that all could see and hear; and that, through hearing b, they could perceive d and understand o the inclusive Unity of Heaven w.

You have prepared b your heart d, and you have been crowned with an aura that glows o with its wonder w; for you cherish b what you now perceive d: the invisible Presence o that hovers above the throne w that is established b within your heart d.

Gematria 82 bp:
The celestial soul p is being fashioned within the mortal souls of the physical body b

Numerology 28  jk  >  10  y >  1  a:
Though we labor within the upheavals of formation, we can celebrate k the relationship of form and formlessness with joy j as we kneel y in prayer a.

Targum: Those who lag behind and are perceived as lost o will surrender w in response b
to Love d

Stepping Stones
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