jmlc     Solomon     שלמה    

Solomon’s Song is the lament of a foolish man who denied himself nothing he desired, but who failed to groom a successor to preserve his legacy. For David’s sake, the worldly kingdom continued; but the excesses and vanities of Sh’lomo cemented its downward spiral. Pride goes before the fall.

Of the worldly kingdom, which was soon to be divided, the prophet Hosea wrote: “Where is your king, that he may save you? Where are your rulers in all your towns, of whom you said, ‘Give me a king and princes’? So in my anger I gave you a king, and in my wrath I took him away.”. . .  and yet, mercy endures.

Wisdom c tested l Y’SharAL’s m discernment h by glorifying c a meek shepherd l who reflected m his Light h imperfectly c. A beloved instrument of HaShem, David would lead l the nation m towards enlightenment h; but his errors c forestalled l its fullest m realization h

Gematria 375 hoc:
because murder disrupted c the seamless transfer o of his revelations h.

Numerology 78  jo  >  15  hy  >  6  w:
David knew o that his passion j had stolen y the life h of a married ally w, and—later—that his o consent j to the numbering y of the enlightened h had been unjust w.

Targum: The cleansing fire of Wisdom c would instruct l the people m through the effects of his choices h.

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