whyzo     Uzziah     עזיהו

Compassionate o words z offer welcome y relief h and comfort w. They lay siege o to animosity z because their source is humility y, making the benefit h of faith w apparent o.

The goal z of your service y is amplification h of the good news of salvation w. Keep in mind, therefore, that your understandings o are rooted z in your own experience y of the Life Breath h and have been tailored for the cross w you, of all people, are best prepared to bear.

Gematria 98  jx:
Respect x everyone with whom you interact j

Numerology 44  dm  >  8  j:
m emotions d in your exchanges j . . .

Targum: . . . of understandings o; for your witness z must relay y the h truths w you know.

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