hcnm     Manasseh     מנשה

The “mother” of Manasseh is called hb yzpj Hephzibah, a name that can be interpreted as “self-indulgence.” Euphoria m born of indulgence n will interfere c with vision h, dampening m the inward n fires c of spiritual life h. Repent m of any desire that persistently weakens n spiritual c discernment h. Difficulties of confusion m can be avoided n with  relentless c self-examination h, which is “prayer without ceasing.”

Gematria 395 hxc:
Wisdom c delights x in your discoveries h.

Numerology 53  gn  >  35  hl  >  8  j:
The Sons of Man n prosper g when the Savior l is visualized h as the charioteer j

Targum: Be prepared m for the unexpected n as you take flight upon wings c of discovery h.

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