ocwhy     Y'shua     יהושע

Jesus, the Essene Teacher of Righteousness—that gentle servant with whom the chosen are to share y eternal Life, this same Joshua is the man who exemplified h the epic sacrifice w of the Breath of Life c in a manner we could understand o.

He received y his wings in an arid place h through unification w with the Spirit c of Prophecy o. In his ministry, he addressed y the sorrows h and burdens w that torment c compassionate o souls. He was spat upon and scourged y. His vision was despised h. He was mocked by evil men; and yet, at his death, he lifted our thoughts to Heaven through his service to our Father, even with his final cry w.

His vulnerability c was overwhelming o,

Gematria 391  axc:
but Wisdom raised him up in the glory c of transfiguration x; and he appeared before witnesses with eyes to see a.

Numerology 58  jn  >  13  gy  >  4  d:
In his life on earth, he mastered the spiritual nuances n of Torah j that had initiated y the birthing process g within his heart d.

Targum: The servant y of Life h, he is stationed beside the throne of the third heaven w, where his fame and glory c are without end o.


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