bqoy     Jacob     יעקב

Jacob gains y understanding o by capturing q momentum b: he defeats inertia by making use of the advantages and gains of his mentors, who help determine the way he must go.

Not ready to make his own choices because of his youth, Ya’akov is provided y coverings o that conceal q his nakedness b, so that he can claim, as his own y, the treasures o safeguarded q by his family b. Unworthy of the blessings of inheritance y, he is made to confront o the dark shadows that lurk q within his soul b. To escape their grip, he must reach y into the abyss o and plumb its

In this vulnerability b, he is humbled y and shamed o; and he is compelled to abandon q all he has known b because of his need y to overcome o pretense q and duplicity b. He will suffer much y, and his perseverance and composure o will become crucial elements in the purification q of his soul b.

Gematria 182 bpq:
The heavens q open p to those who are attentive b to their shortcomings q: to those who are prepared to acknowledge p their passive idolatry of self b.

Numerology 47  zm  >  11  ay  >  2  b:
Heaven ministers
m to all who are willing z to abandon themselves y to the Father’s a care b.

Targum: Along with Jacob, be prepared y to lay seige o to the darkness q lurking within consciousness b, where you will encounter y obstructions o to purification q of the soul b.


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