xrp Phares פרץ
Wheels within wheels. The Epistles foretell that saints must expect a
falling away before the Sons of Man are glorified. What is said unto all
is said unto one: moments of inspiration will be followed by the lengthy
work of incorporating their import into the fabric of one’s life. Holding fast to faith, the falling away of Pharez becomes a breaking out on the path to perfection. Peretz is vulnerable p if his mind r is sidetracked x by any number of things; for the vacuum p of distraction r invites chaos x; but by keeping faith, characteristics p that prevail in him r are trustworthy x, and the eventual manifestation p of Messiah r in him is assured x.
Faith is the gift that enables us to read signs along the dim, but persistent, trail that begins with spiritual birth and culminates in the hand of HaShem as we complete the circle of life. Should the birth process become stalled along the way because we yet cling to favored conditions or understandings, those things have become our masters, our idols; and notions of their narrow demands begin to dictate how far afield our thoughts are allowed to go. Spiritually impoverished as we stumble, we may come to view faith not as a journey of discovery, but as a trophy or prize-- as a possession to which we have become entitled, and about which we could be righteously proud. Such understandings, as they surface, may have an instant of validity, but they are born of idolatry. In the reach for understandings, Peretz can spring from twists of thought at any moment. Our journey is primarily a question of faith, not of knowledge or understanding; and faith isn't something you can store up against future need. Faith must be rediscovered every morning; for the daily appearance of Pharez is a breach of expectation. It's wrong-headed to blame breaches for our shortcomings. Lacking substance of his own, Phares carries forward a moment's "given" expectations to their fullest extent, like a fast-forward button of a recording device. Whether it ends well or poorly for Peretz is irrelevant: the baton is passed. If rightly understood and utilized, Perez is a facilitator p on the path to perfection-- a motivator. Within the tumult of living, however, even mild breaches can snare minds r that are easily sidetracked x . The vacuum p created by distraction r invites intrusion x . Suggestible p individuals r can lose their bearings x , which can open p their minds r to chaos x ! It's not that I choose to equivocate, says Peretz, the Breach. It's that all things happen or do not, in accordance with the will of HaShem. Logic and predictable patterns have their place in thought, but God rules all in all at all times.
for the silent utterances
of Messiah Yahushua
are transformational