Good and Evil

Bwf good טןב

agreeable, good-hearted, well-behaved: lovely, kind, pleasant; to be
happy, glad; beautiful, valuable; wealth; to experience a benefit; to be
fair; goodness; a good thing; Tob.

As an abstract, absolute goodness is beyond our capabilities—both as
fact, and in understanding. Indeed, within many contexts we struggle
with the concept of mere decency; for the imagination of our hearts is
continually evil, as it's written. That admonition is less accusatory,
however, when it's understood that the opposite of “good” is not “evil.”

I'll not waste many words in defense of evil: it's nasty business, but the bottom of bad is wickedness, not evil; for within the continuum of iniquity that was discovered in the angelic and fell, through mankind, to the demonic, evil is every single gradient of error that can be found, or might be judged to belong, anywhere between the polar extremes we think of as "right" and as "wrong."

With our thumbs pressing upon the scale because of the bias of our predispositions, we weigh many factors, ignori others, and conclude that a "good" person, when ensnared in a quarrelsome dispute, first defines f and then evaluates w what is being said—very carefully b! His circumspection signals that he is trustworthy f and will give fair w hearing b, in order to resolve f disputes w with empathy and careful concern b.

We might empower such a person to be a civic judge because he would do just that—resolve disputes, that is; for a “good” individual practices reticence f in his judgments. He will defer to the consensus w of those in the community b who are considered to be reliable f, honest w, and scrupulously compassionate b.

The expression "I'm good," must give us pause, however. Its implication is that some individuals who consider themselves to be among the “good people” show their "good" sides only because they’re complete f, comfortable w, and satisfied b, which is to say that they are "good" primarily because their baskets f have ample w stores b...

Gematria 17 zy; Ordinal 17 zy > 8 j:
...whereas a person who's just plain "good" (as those not-so-good see it) is an individual who is respectful y to a fault z, is eager to meet y expectations z, and (importantly) is willing to contribute y to the causes and goals z to which all "good" people ascribe j.

Targum: "Good" people keep tight rein f on the secrets w of their souls b; but scoundrels that they so frequently turn out to be, they are quick to form ill-fated alliances with others who may not be so good as they; for their unsavory wills have been compromised f. Pretenders, they judiciously feign admirable w attitudes, but for the benefit of public consumption b, making us wonder whether "good" friends are actually no more than evil or masqueraders r cleverly looking for advantage o. That's another story. In any case, it's "all good"; for to be so alerted r is to be so advised o.


Or evil רע

unkind; compromised, inferior, useless; worthless; malignant, bad
dangerous, noxious; repugnant, displeasing; malicious shouting,
riotous behavior; a friend, fellow, neighbor, comrade, companion
an assumption; an idea, thought, implication; a hint; an
insinuation, an underlying meaning

Some regard evil as any threat r to the status quo o, good or bad. Their
r have been dulled by a reality that became monotonous, then
o, resulting in staring thought that plunged them into mental r
stasis o, precluding r appreciation o of the present r.

They are contemptuous o of Vision r, which they mock o with cutting r ridicule o. Their judgments are lofty fiats that are delivered r without compassion or concern o. Satisfied with themselves, their repugnant thought is like an ax that has been plied r against a log too many times to count o; and, thus, the cutting edge of their intellect r has lost its bite o, and their bitterness hammers r away at everything o.

Taking particular pride r in their superficiality o, they are busybodies that rage r against things they see as pointless o; and they are wickedly r amused o by the savagery r of their opinions o.

Messiah r will circumcise o their minds r. Their earth-bound understandings o must be pared away r, exposing o them to the Kingdom’s higher r understandings o; for only devoted minds r can comprehend o the faces of King Messiah r.

Gematria 270 or; Ordinal 36 wl > 9 f:
Should they seek a higher power, its characteristics would remain veiled in dark mystery o, as they are governed r by shameful o expectations r and dread o. Their habits of thought r routinely ignore, deny, or suppress o the guidance l of Truth w, which would resolve all

Targum: Dangers r abound o, and they threaten r to overwhelm us all o; but the
Great King
r understands our predicaments o and will intervene r to our benefit, healing o with elegant r sufficiency o.

Good and evil are like the tips of the crescent moon. To hug one tip is to fear losing your grip and falling towards the other side. The sensible thing to do is to let go and ride the sled of the crescent until you come to a place of rest in the middle, where you can dangle your legs beside messiah, whether the moon is waxing or waning.

The moon will be full, soon enough. Don’t allow yourself fixation on disorder. Rather, search for the order within Unity, that you may bind all foes to HaShem, who harbors no disparity and is no respecter of persons. Creation as an immense parable that teaches balance in the face of disorder. Above all, seek discovery of unison that is congruent with the characteristics of HaShem’s essence and his ways.

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